
A research report on light pollution at sea. Published 2022.

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Estimating exposure of vulnerable seabird populations to offshore light pollution (PDF, 1,365K).

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Explore marine light pollution across the oceans as measured by seabirds through biologging.


Many seabird species are active during the night and artificial light from sources such as fishing vessels have been shown to affect their survival. We use information from light-level loggers (GLS) to estimate the location and frequency of these events among a variety of species native to Aotearoa New Zealand. 179 seabirds from 7 species were tracked between October 2008 and November 2019 using light-based geolocators.

Publication information

Petterson, D. 2022. Estimating exposure of vulnerable seabird populations to offshore light pollution. Department of Conservation. 13 p.

There were notable differences in rates of light exposure between species with more events recorded in pelagic areas. Light exposure had a significant effect on behavioural patterns in some species while having little effect on others.

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