Takahē pair
Image: Paul Nevin | ©


Once considered extinct, the story of the takahē is truly unique. Although their numbers are growing, there is still a lot of work to do.

The Takahē Recovery Programme brings together our DOC takahē team, tangata whenua, and communities across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Ka tū te moho, Kia ora ake anō
The takahē stands, in order to live again

For more than 75 years, our work to save takahē has pioneered conservation methods in New Zealand and the world. From rangers, volunteers, and scientists to puppets, bantam hens, pilots, and pest trappers, all have contributed to the recovery of the takahē.

Explore how we’re continuing to help takahē, who’s doing the mahi, and how you can get involved.

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