
5 July 2024: Read the NZCA letter to the Minister of Conservation; Follow up from 20 June NZCA meeting

To: Hon Tama Potaka, Minister of Conservation
Date: 5 July 2024

On behalf of the New Zealand Conservation Authority (Authority), I extend our heartfelt
thanks to you for attending our meeting on 20 June 2024 at Conservation House. We valued
the opportunity to korero with you in person, and trust that this is the beginning of a trusted
and valuable relationship.
Together we touched upon several matters during your visit; I would like to take this
opportunity to affirm our position on several issues. The Authority supports:

  • Your goals to improve the Management Planning System, including the concessions
    and permissions process. The Authority have advocated for a long time for
    improvements in this area and request that we be involved in this work going forward.
  • The Department’s work to undertake the Financial Sustainability Review. The
    Authority see great value in how this work will enable both the Senior Leadership
    Team and you to assess the long-term financial sustainability of the Department,
    given the enormous scale of work it is tasked with on its modest funding.
  • The need to find additional ways to support the Department in delivering better
    outcomes for conservation; be this financial investment, greater revenue generation,
    partnerships, iwi and mana whenua partnerships, or community initiatives.
  • The need for strong Treaty partnerships in general, and support the ongoing
    commitment to our, and the Department’s, commitment to upholding section 4

The Authority are committed to providing you with honest, robust, and independent advice
during your time as Minister of Conservation. You are invited to attend our next meeting,
which will take place at Conservation House on 15 and 16 August; Authority servicing staff
have connected with your office to secure a time in your diary. We look forward to meeting
with you again. 

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