Sperm whale fluke, Kaikōura
Image: Andrew Walmsley | ©


The Guardians provide advice to the Ministers of Conservation and Primary Industries, and to any persons exercising statutory powers in the area, on matters related to Te Tai-o-Marokura.

Ministers and persons exercising statutory powers will take the Kaikōura Marine Guardians’ advice into account, where it relates exclusively to the Kaikōura Marine Area.

The Kaikōura coastal and marine environment has historical, cultural, environmental and economic significance due to its dynamic geography, geology and abundance of aquatic life and resources.

Establishment and purpose

Recognising the need to safeguard this environment, the Kaikōura Marine Guardians was established under the Kaikōura (Te Tai o Marakura) Marine Management  Act 2014

They represents iwi and local community interests and provides advice to Ministers responsible for biosecurity, conservation and fisheries on matters related to the marine and coastal environment within the Kaikōura Marine Area – Te Whata Kai o Rakihouia i | Te Tai ō Marokura

The Act established a number of marine protection and sustainable fisheries measures in the Kaikōura marine environment. These include:

  • a New Zealand Fur Seal Sanctuary at Ōhau Point to limit human disturbance to fur seals, while allowing the public to view the colony from a safe distance
  • a new marine reserve that will encompass the Kaikōura canyon area and connects to the coast south of the Kaikōura township
  • two taiāpure-local fisheries to provide traditional food gathering areas around the Kaikōura Peninsula that will allow commercial fishing to continue
  • three mātaitai reserves where commercial fishing will be prohibited to protect the traditional food gathering areas and allow for recreational fishing.

Functions and administration

There are eleven members appointed by the Minsiters of Conservation and Primary Industries for five year terms, to represent Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, the Kaikōura community, and biosecurity, conservation, education, environment, fishing, marine science and tourism interests.

The Act requires that a review of the management measures provided by the Act is initiated no later than 7 August 2024. This review does not include matters not covered by the Act, such as general fisheries management measures.


The Minister of Conservation  and Minister for Oceans and Fisheries have made the following appointments to the Kaikōura Marine Guardians for a four-year term to 30 June 2028:

  • Ma-rea Clayton, Kaikōura, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu representive
  • Debbie Walford, Kaikōura, Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura representative
  • Thomas Kahu, Kaikōura, Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura representative
  • Larnce Wichman, Blenheim, Minister for Oceans and Fisheries representative
  • Shawn Gerrity, Christhchurch, Minister of Conservation representative
  • Tā Mark Solomon, Christhchurch
  • Gina Solomon, Kaikōura
  • Ted Howard, Kaikōura
  • Mark Connor, North Canterbury
  • Chris Sturgeon, Kaikōura
  • Peter Sutton, Kaikōura

Gazette notice of appointments

Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference (PDF, 930K)

Annual reports


The Chairperson
Kaikōura Marine Guardians
PO Box 51, Renwick
Marlborough 7243

Phone: 0800 ASK DOC (0800 275 362)

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