
DOC Research and Development Series is a published record of scientific research carried out, or advice given, by our staff or external contractors.

About the publications

It comprises reports and short communications that are peer-reviewed. 

ISSN: 1176–8886 (print, pre-2010)
ISSN: 1177–9306 (online)

DOC Research & Development Series compendia

Updated: October 2024

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371. Threatened species research gaps and priorities for the Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai
By: Tara J. Murray, Kerry M. Borkin, Anni Brumby and Colin F.J. O’Donnell.
DOC Research and Development Series 371. 40 p. (PDF, 7151K)
Summary (PDF, 5,171K)
Supplementary material (XLSX,319K)

370. Improving the estimation of population risk to Hector’s and Māui dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) using carcass data, focusing on toxoplasmosis.
By: Jim O. Roberts
DOC Research and Development Series 370. 22p. (PDF, 21,961K)

369. Recent developments in research on the herpetofauna of Aotearoa New Zealand
By: Deborah J. Wilson, Joanne M. Monks (Compilers)
DOC Research and Development Series 369, 2023. 19 p. (PDF, 563K)

368. Distributions and statuses of three highly threatened calcicolous plants in limestone habitats of South Canterbury, New Zealand
By: Hermann Frank
DOC Research and Development Series 368, 2023. 26 p. (PDF, 25,157K)

367. Using Benthic Terrain Modeller to characterise Aotearoa New Zealand seafloor geomorphology
By: Jodie Robertson, Enrique Pardo, Shane Geange, Arne Pallentin and Shaun Weston
DOC Research and Development Series 367, 2022. 25 p. (PDF, 9,151K)

366. Potential climate change effects on New Zealand marine mammals: a review
By: Jim O. Roberts, Hannah R. Hendriks
DOC Research and Development Series 366, 2022. 37 p. (PDF, 2,402K)

365. Potential factors affecting the calling rates and detectability of crake and rail species: a review
By: Emma M. Williams
DOC Research and Development Series 365, 2021. 17 p. (PDF, 16,314K)

364. Use of aerial remote sensing to detect pre-coning wilding conifers in a dry grassland environment
By: Terry C. Greene, Rowan Sprague, Ann De Schutter, Pete Raal, Cleo Schurink, Keith Briden and Richard Earl
DOC Research and Development Series 364, 2020. 29 p. (PDF 21,341K)

363. Mouse bait uptake and availability trials on Falla Peninsula, Auckland Island
By: James C. Russell, Richard Griffiths, William M. Bannister, Mark E. Le Lievre, Finlay S. Cox and Stephen R. Horn
DOC Research and Development Series 363, 2019. 11 p(PDF, 9,904K)

362. Status of Rakiura tokoeka (Apteryx australis lawryi) near Port Adventure Hunter’s Hut, Stewart Island/Rakiura, in 2017
By: Hugh A. Robertson, Natasha B. Coad, Rogan M. Colbourne and James R. Fraser
DOC Research and Development Series 362, 2019. 9 p. (PDF, 10,074K)

361. Status of little spotted kiwi (Apteryx owenii) on Red Mercury Island (Whakau) in March 2016
By: Hugh A. Robertson, Natasha B. Coad, Rogan M. Colbourne and James R. Fraser
DOC Research and Development Series 361, 2019. 9 p. (PDF, 9,873K)

360. Status of little spotted kiwi (Apteryx owenii) on Tiritiri Matangi Island in April 2017
By: Hugh A. Robertson, Natasha B. Coad, Rogan M. Colbourne and James R. Fraser
DOC Research and Development Series 360, 2019. 8 p. (PDF, 9,762K)

359. Assessing the use of UAV-collected data for characterising the distributions and frequencies of sand dune vegetation cover types at Kaitorete Spit, Canterbury
By: Bradley S. Case, Hannah L. Buckley, Michael Fake, Stacey Bryan, Joshua Bilkey and James Griffiths. DOC Research and Development Series 359. 2019 25 p. (PDF, 13,208K)

358. Translocations of little spotted kiwi (Apteryx owenii) for genetic management, 2016–17
By: Hugh A. Robertson, Natasha B. Coad, Rogan M. Colbourne and James R. Fraser. DOC Research and Development Series 358, 2019. 13 p. (PDF, 780K)

357. Evaluation of the use of elastomer and paint to mark lowland longjaw galaxias (Galaxias cobitinis)
By: Leanne K. O’Brien and Nicholas R. Dunn. DOC Research and Development Series 357, 2018. 11 p. (PDF, 7,516 K)

356. Considerations in the transport and captive management of lowland longjaw galaxias (Galaxias cobitinis)
By: Nicholas R. Dunn and Leanne K. O’Brien. DOC Research and Development Series 356, 2018. 18 p. (PDF, 8,657 K)

355. Weasel (Mustela nivalis) dynamics in South Island beech forests of the Maruia Valley
By: Darrell Haworth. DOC Research & Development Series 355. 25 p. (PDF, 3,703K)

354. Biological monitoring of marine protected areas at Banks Peninsula using baited underwater video (BUV) By: Tom Brough, Tom MacTavish and Vincent Zintzen. DOC Research & Development Series 354. 37p. (PDF, 9,434K)

353. Recent developments in New Zealand herpetofauna research: abstracts of papers presented at the 17thbiennial conference of the Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles in New Zealand. By J.M. Monks and S. Penniket 2018. DOC Research and Development Series 352. 13p. (PDF, 2,398K)

352. Survey of introduced mammals and invertebrates on Auckland Island, March–April 2015. By James C. Russell, Stephen R. Horn, Grant A. Harper and Pete McClelland. DOC Research and Development Series 352. 21p. (PDF, 8,029K)

351. An evaluation of the impact of a national kite boarding championship on shorebird behaviour at the Manawatu Estuary. By Philip F. Battley. DOC Research and Development Series 351. 14p. (PDF, 2,997K)

350. Developing a national framework for monitoring the grey-faced petrel (Pterodroma gouldi) as an indicator species. By J.C. Russell, J.R. Welch, S. Dromzée, K. Bourgeois, J. Thoresen, R. Earl, B. Greene, I. Westbrooke and K. McNutt. DOC Research and Development Series 350. 23p. (PDF, 3,657K)

349. Habitat preferences of long-tailed bats Chalinolobus tuberculatus along riparian corridors of the forested Pikiariki Ecological Area, Pureora Forest Park. By G Rockell, J Littlemore and J Scrimgeour 2017. DOC Research and Development Series 349. 11 p. (PDF, 2,889K)

348. Call rate behaviour of brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) and great spotted kiwi (A. haastii) in relation to temporal and environmental parameters. By R Colbourne and A Digby 2015. DOC Research and Development Series 347. 18 p. (PDF, 3,801K)

347. Recent developments in New Zealand herpetofauna research: abstracts of papers presented at the 15th and 16th biennial conference of the Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles in New Zealand. By N.J. Nelson and S.N. Keall (Comps) 2015. DOC Research and Development Series 347. 24 p. (PDF, 2,461K)

346. Control to eradication of Tradescantia fluminensis on Stephens Island (Takapourewa): the importance of systematic and persistent effort. Kerry Brown and Derek Brown 2015. DOC Research and Development Series 346. 11 p. (PDF, 3,208K)

345. Winter bait uptake trials and related field work on Antipodes Island in preparation for mouse (Mus musculus) eradication. Graeme P. Elliott, Terry C. Greene, Helen W. Nathan and James C. Russell 2015. DOC Research and Development Series 345. 34 p. (PDF, 3,303K)

344. Kea (Nestor notabilis) survivorship through a 1080 operation using cereal baits containing the bird repellent d-pulegone at Otira, central Westland. P. van Klink and M. Crowell 2015. DOC Research and Development Series 344. 13 p. (PDF, 2,613K)

343. Abundance and distribution of water birds on the Rotorua lakes, 1985–2011.  Thalia Sachtleben, Keith Owen, John Innes, and Kim Young 2014 DOC Research and Development Series343. 29 p. (PDF, 942K

342. Using social attraction to enhance trappability of invasive Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus)
I. Shapira 2014. DOC Research and Development Series 342. 13 p. (PDF, 2,472K)

341. How well does LCDB2 map wetlands in the Wellington region?
M. Davis, D. Brown, H. Robertson and L. Chadderton 2014. DOC Research and Development Series 341. 21p (PDF, 2,490K)

340. Scientific and biodiversity values of marine reserves: a review.
Trevor J. Willis 2013. DOC Research and Development Series 340. 70 p. (PDF, 3,222K
High resolution (PDF, 9,365K)

339. Is eradication of spartina from the South Island feasible?
Kerry Brown and Peter Raal 2013. DOC Research and Development Series 339. 19 p. (PDF, 2,391K)

338. Selection of potential indicator species for measuring and reporting on trends in widespread native taxa in New Zealand. By Joanne M. Monks, Colin F. J. O'Donnell and Elaine F. Wright 2013. DOC Research and Development Series 338. 18 p. (PDF, 2,189K)

337. How long do vertebrate pesticides persist in living mammals? Priorities for research.
By M.D. Crowell, K.G. Broome, C.T. Eason, A.A.C. Fairweather, S. Ogilvie and E. C. Murphy 2013. DOC Research and Development Series 337. 18 p. (PDF, 2,254K)

336. Predicting native plant succession through woody weeds in New Zealand.
By Debra M. Wotton and Kate G. McAlpine 2013. DOC Research and Development Series 336. 28 p. (PDF, 7,052K)

335. Benthic Invertebrate monitoring at the Ngā Motu / Sugar Loaf Islands Marine Protected Area, 2001-2003.  By Sonja Miller, Simon McDonald and Bryan Williams 2013. DOC Research and Development Series 335. 63 p. (PDF, 2,684K)

334. Implications of experimental design on the detection of herbivore impacts on carbon stocks in a broadleaved-hardwood forest. By A.E. Marburg, F.E. Carswell, M.G. St John, R.J. Holdaway, A.B. Rose, and I. Jacobs 2013. DOC Research & Development Series 334. 22 p. (PDF, 6,519K)

333. Southern royal albatross on Campbell Island/Motu Ihupuku: solving a band injury problem and population survey, 2004-08
By Peter Moore, Eric Larsen, Matt Charteris and Moira Pryde. DOC Research & Development Series 333. 49 p. (PDF, 2,812K)

High-resolution version; (PDF, 9,176K)

332. An updated, annotated bibliography for Hector's (Cephalorhynchus hectori hectori) and Māui (C. hectori maui) dolphins
Sam du Fresne, Daniel Burns and Emma Gates 2012. DOC Research & Development Series 332. 43 p. (PDF, 2,290K)

331. Dune restoration in northern Chatham Island: a trial to enhance nesting opportunities for chatham Island oystercatchers (Haematopus chathamensis)
Peter J. Moore, Alison Davis, Mark Bellingham and Clio Reid 2012. DOC Research & Development Series 331. 65 p. (PDF, 3,748K)

High resolution version (PDF, 5,868K)

330. Does environmental weed control achieve conservation gain? A literature review
By Debra M. Wotton and Kate G. McAlpine. DOC Research & Development Series 330. 33 p. (PDF, 625K)

329. Survival rates of Darwin's barberry (Berberis darwinii) seedlings in mixed beech-broadleaf forest in New Zealand
By Kate G. McAlpine and Debra M. Wotton 2012. DOC Research & Development Series 329. 8 p. (PDF, 1,727K)

328. Diet of predators in Nothofagus forest, Nelson Lakes National Park.
By K. Clapperton, F. Maddigan, C. Gillies and E. Murphy 2011. DOC Research & Development Series 328. 12 p. (PDF, 1,868K)

327. Intertidal benthic habitats of Kawhia and Aotea Harbours.
K. A. Hillock, M. Rohan 2011. DOC Research and Development Series 327. 48p. (PDF, 3,799K)
High resolution version (PDF, 7,766K)

326. Relationships between multiple land-use pressures and individual and combined indicators of stream ecological integrity
J. Clapcott, R. Young, E. Goodwin, J. Leathwick, D. Kelly 2011. DOC Research and Development Series 326. 61p. (PDF, 2,645K)
High resolution version (PDF, 8,952K)

325. Seedling recovery on Hauturu/Little Barrier Island, after eradication of Pacific rats Rattus exulans
D.J. Campbell 2011. DOC Research & Development Series 325. 55 p. (PDF, 1,527K)

324. Cetacean research in New Zealand 2007/08
S. Childerhouse 2010. DOC Research & Development Series 324, 33p. (PDF, 190K)

323. Cetacean research in New Zealand 2006/07 
S. Childerhouse 2010. DOC Research & Development Series 323, 30p. (PDF, 224K)

322. Distribution of Māui dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori maui): 2000–2009
S. Du Fresne 2010. DOC Research & Development Series 322. 24 p. (PDF, 2,569K)

321. Cetacean research in New Zealand 2005/06
S. Childerhouse (Comp.) 2010. DOC Research & Development Series 321. 24 p. (PDF, 260K

320. Susceptibility of four bird species to para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP)
C.T. Eason; E.C. Murphy; S. Hix, R.J. Henderson; D. MacMorran 2010.
DOC Research & Development Series 320. 15 p. (PDF, 141K

319. Diet of New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri): a summary
L. Boren 2010. DOC Research & Development Series 319. 19 p. (PDF, 194K)  

318. Trapping and identification techniques for small-scaled skinks (Oligosoma microlepis)
K. Gebauer 2009. DOC Research & Development Series 318. 24 p. (PDF, 392K)

317. Bird species of concern at wind farms in New Zealand
R.G. Powlesland 2009. DOC Research & Development Series 317. 54 p. (PDF, 333K)

316. Does rat control benefit forest invertebrates at Moehau, Coromandel Peninsula?
S.R. Rate 2009. DOC Research & Development Series 316. 29p. (PDF, 345K)

315. Vegetation monitoring in Whanganui National Park
A. Hawcroft, S. Husheer. DOC Research & Development Series 315. 28 p.

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314. Nest counts of Stewart Island shags/mapua (Leucocarbo chalconotus) in Otago
C. Lalas, L. Perriman. DOC Research & Development Series 314. 29 p. (PDF, 345K)

313. Long-term management of kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) in the Cook Islands
Hugh A. Robertson, Ian Karika, George Mateariki, Lynda Nia and Edward K. Saul. DOC Research & Development Series 313. 33 p (PDF, 283K)

312. A re-evaluation of potential rodenticides for aerial control of rodents
Charles T. Eason and Shaun Ogilvie. DOC Research & Development Series 312. 33 p (PDF, 233K)

311. Addressing uncertainty in braided river bird counts
J.A. Brown; T.J. Robinson DOC Research & Development Series 311. 22 p. (PDF, 275K)

310. Factors causing dune ephemeral wetlands to be vulnerable to weed invasion
P.D. Champion; P.N. Reeves DOC Research & Development Series 310. 53 p.

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Part 3: (PDF, 484K)

309. Effects of low flow on dwarf galaxias and their habitat in the Wairau River
J. Hay. DOC Research & Development Series 309. 20 p (PDF, 591K)

308. Numbers of waders in New Zealand 1994-2003.
I. Southey. DOC Research & Development Series 308. 71 p.

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Part 3: (PDF, 470K)
Part 4: (PDF, 495K)
Part 5: (PDF, 488K)

307. Population parameters and distribution of the black petrel (Procellaria parkinsoni), 2005/06.
E.A. Bell, J.L. Sim and P. Scofield. DOC Research & Development Series 307. 47 p.

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Part 3: (PDF, 474K)
Part 4: (PDF, 247K)

306. Factors affecting 1080 pellet bait acceptance by house mice (Mus musculus).
P. Fisher and A.T. Airey. DOC Research & Development Series 306. 23 p. (PDF, 233K)

305. Environmental predictors of stoat (Mustela erminea) and ship rat (Rattus rattus) capture success.
J.E. Christie, D.J. Brown, I. Westbrooke and E.C. Murphy. DOC Research & Development Series 305. 27 p. (PDF, 488K)

304. Alpine lizard research in Fiordland National Park: February–March 2007. T.P. Bell; G. Patterson; T. Jewell. DOC Research & Development Series 304. 18 p.

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303. Geographic Information Systems in wildlife management: a case study using yellow-eyed penguin nest site data. R.D. Clark; R. Mathieu; P.J. Seddon. DOC Research & Development Series 303. 34 p.

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302. Transfer of captive-bred Placostylus hongii snails to Limestone Island. I.A.N. Stringer; G.R. Parrish. DOC Research & Development Series 302. 18 p.

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301. Monitoring and restoration options for lizards on Kaitorete Spit, Canterbury. M. Lettink; A. Cree; G. Norbury; P.J. Seddon 2008. DOC Research & Development Series 301. 44 p.

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300. Deer impacts on tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa) regeneration. M.C. Smale 2008. DOC Research & Development Series 300. 18 p.

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299. Recruitment of Coprosma wallii at Paengaroa Mainland Island. H.M. Parkinson 2008. DOC Research & Development Series 299. 18 p. 

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298. Assessment of potential Chatham Island snipe habitat on Pitt Island. C.M. Miskelly; R.M. Emberson 2008. DOC Research & Development Series 298. 29 p.

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297. Seal callouts in the Kaikoura region involving the Department of Conservation. L. J. Boren 2008. DOC Research & Development Series 297. 25 p

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296. Conservation of kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) in the Cook Islands in 2006/07. H.A. Robertson; K.E. Saul 2008. DOC Research & Development Series 296. 19 p

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295. Mortality of New Zealand native frogs in captivity. S. Shaw; A. Holzapfel 2008. DOC Research & Development Series 295. 30 p.

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294. Impact of domestic stock on vegetation in South Westland, 1989–2004. R.P. Buxton; D. Peltzer; L.E. Burrows; S.M. Timmins; P. Wardle. 2008. DOC Research & Development Series 294. 45 p.

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Part 4: (PDF, 290K)

293. Monitoring visitor numbers in New Zealand national parks and protected areas: a literature review and development summary.
G. Cessford; R. Burns 2008. 47 p.

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292. Consolidated list of environmental weeds in New Zealand. C. Howell 2008. 42 p.

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291. Summary of autopsy reports for seabirds killed and returned from observed New Zealand fisheries: 1 October 1996 – 30 September 2005, with specific reference to 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/05. 110 p.

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Part 4: (PDF, 470K)

290. Diversity and taxonomic status of some New Zealand grasshoppers. S. Trewick; S. Morris 2008. DOC Research & Development Series 290. 40 p.

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289. Disease outbreak amongst South Island saddlebacks (Philesturnus carunculatus carunculatus) on Long Island. K.A. Hale 2008. DOC Research & Development Series 289. 14 p.

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288. Breakdown of cyanide and cholecalciferol in Feratox and Feracol possum baits. M. Thomas; P. Ross 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 288. 28 p.

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287. Using DNA barcodes to investigate the taxonomy of the New Zealand sooty beech scale insect. S.L. Ball; K.F. Armstrong 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 287. 14 p.

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286. Habitat characteristics of jewelled gecko (Naultinus gemmeus) sites in dry parts of Otago. T. Jewell; S. McQueen 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 286. 19 p.

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285. Conservation of kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) in the Cook Islands in 2005/06. H.A. Robertson; E.K. Saul 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 285. 19 p.

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284. Ecology, management and research on Mokoia Island, Lake Rotorua, New Zealand: an abstract list and annotated bibliography. B.R. Christensen; M.E. Sutton 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 284. 92 p.

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283. A review of methodologies for mitigating incidental catch of protected marine mammals. S.J Rowe 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 283. 47 p.

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282. Factors affecting cetacean bycatch in a New Zealand trawl fishery. S. Du Fresne; A.R. Grant; W.S. Norden; J.H. Pierre 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 282. 18 p.

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281. Geodiversity of geothermal fields in the Taupo Volcanic Zone. A.D. Cody 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 281. 70 p.

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Part 3: (PDF, 422K)

280. Autopsy of pinnipeds incidentally caught in commercial fisheries, 2002/03 and 2003/04. P.J. Duignan; G.W. Jones 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 280. 41 p.

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279. Captive rearing and biology of the endangered giant land snails Placostylus ambagiosus and P. hongii (Pulmonata: Bulimulidae). I.A.N. Stringer; E.A. Grant 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 279. 36 p.

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278. Population monitoring programme for Archey's frog (Leiopelma archeyi): pilot studies, monitoring design and data analysis. A. Haigh; S. Pledger; A. Holzapfel 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 278. 25 p.

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277. Animal Health Board possum control operations on public conservation lands: habitats treated and resulting possum abundance. B. Reddiex; W. Fraser; S. Ferriss; J. Parkes 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 277. 56 p.

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Part 3: (PDF, 454K)
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Part 5: (PDF, 492K)

276. Climatic prediction of seedfall in NothofagusChionochloa and Dacrydium cupressinum. A. Monks 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 276. 36 p.

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275. Stoat zona pellucida genes with potential for immunocontraceptive biocontrol in New Zealand. R.J. Jackson; S. Beaton; D.J. Dall 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 275. 21 p. (PDF, 494K)

274. Molecular detection and pathology of the oomycete Albugo candida (white rust) in threatened coastal cresses. T. Armstrong 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 274. 18 p. (PDF, 278K)

273. Demographic parameters of the black petrel (Procellaria parkinsoni). E.A. Bell; J.L Sim; P. Scofield 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 273. 32 p.

Part 1: (PDF, 492K)
Part 2: (PDF, 292K)

272. Consumption of non-toxic baits used for pest mammal control by grand (Oligosoma grande) and Otago (O. otagense) skinks, and their prey. J.E. Marshall; T. Jewell 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 272. 11 p. (PDF, 186K)

271. Bait station preferences of ship rats. E.B. Spurr; G.A. Morriss; J. Turner; C.E. O'Connor; P. Fisher 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 271. 21 p. (PDF, 381K)

270. Dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) in New Zealand waters: present knowledge and research goals. B. Würsig; N. Duprey; J. Weir 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 270. 28 p. (PDF, 302K)

269. The development of an invertebrate database for the lower North Island. G.N. Browne 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 269. 16 p. (PDF, 160K)

268. Wobbly Possum disease in the Wilkin and Young Valleys, Mount Aspiring National Park. B.J. McLeod 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 268. 14 p. (PDF, 190K)

267. Understanding public conservation awareness within the Waikato Conservancy, New Zealand. J. Fitchman 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 267. 22 p. (PDF, 228K)

266. Human-mediated pathways of spread for non-indigenous marine species in New Zealand. T. Dodgshun; M. Taylor; B.M. Forrest 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 266. 44 p. (PDF, 490K)

265. Testing the attractiveness and palatability of stoat lures and baits with various sensory cues. L. Robbins; B.K. Clapperton; K. Tallentire; R.E.R. Porter 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 265. 22 p. (PDF, 245K)

264. Pilot study to test the effectiveness of electronic monitoring in Canterbury fisheries. H. McElderry; D. McCullough; J. Schrader; J. Illingworth 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 264. 27 p. (PDF, 490K)

263. A Review of methodologies for mitigating incidental catch of seabirds in New Zealand fisheries. L. Bull 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 263. 57 p. (PDF, 352K)

262. Field trials of fresh and long-life stoat baits in Northland, New Zealand. R.J. Pierce; N. Miller; E. Neill; C. Gardiner; M. Kimberley 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 262. 18 p. (PDF, 243K)

261. Efficacy of saltwater solutions to kill introduced freshwater species and sterilise freshwater fishing nets. F.E. Matheson; A.M. Dugdale; R.D.S. Wells; A. Taumoepeau; J.P. Smith 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 261. 24 p. (PDF, 206K)

260. First transfer of Campbell Island teal (Anas nesiotis) to Campbell Island/Motu Ihupuku: husbandry and transfer. H. Gummer; R. Berry 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 260. 37 p. (PDF, 470K)

259. Fish communities of Lake Whangape—February 2001 survey. B.L. Chisnall; D.W. West; M.D. Lake 2007. DOC Research & Development Series 259. 14 p. (PDF, 262K)

258. Distinguishing Mercury Islands tusked weta, Motuweta isolata, from a ground weta, Hemiandrus pallitarsis (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae) in the field, with observations of their activity. I.A.N. Stringer 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 258. 27 p. (PDF, 430K)

257. Changes to the forests of Egmont National Park 1977–2001. S.W. Husheer 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 257. 23 p. (PDF, 420K)

256. Macroinvertebrates of the Wairau River and the likely consequences of proposed hydroelectric development. D.A. Olsen 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 256. 25 p. (PDF, 207K)

255. Bait station preferences of Norway rats. E.B. Spurr; C.E. O'Connor; G.A. Morriss; J. Turner 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 255. 18 p. (PDF, 311K)

254. Conservation genetics of the Forbes' parakeet (Cyanoramphus forbesi) on Mangere Island, Chatham Islands. C. Chan; K.N. Ballantyne; H. Aikman; C.H. Daugherty; G.K. Chambers 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 254. 26 p. (PDF, 254K)

253. The role of the Hauraki Gulf Cable Protection Zone in protecting exploited fish species: de facto marine reserve? N.T. Shears; N.R. Usmar 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 253. 27 p. (PDF, 368K)

252. Management of New Zealand dotterels on Coromandel Peninsula. J.E. Dowding 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 252. 30 p. (PDF, 256K)

251. Recovery of targeted reef fish at Tuhua Marine Reserve—monitoring and constraints. K. Young; S.M. Ferreira; A. Jones; K. Gregor 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 251. 23 p.

Part 1: (PDF, 404K)
Part 2: (PDF, 223K)

250. Maintenance of buildings and structures in Macetown Reserve, Central Otago. J.B. Gray 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 250. 42 p.

Part 1: (PDF, 420K)
Part 2: (PDF, 469K)

249. Persistence of residual diphacinone concentrations in pig tissues following sublethal exposure. P. Fisher 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 249. 19 p. (PDF, 258K)

248. Potential conservation impacts of high-altitude small mammals: a field study and literature review. D.J. Wilson; G.J. McElrea; L.M. McElrea; R.P. Heyward; R.M.E. Peach; C. Thomson 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 248. 51 p. (PDF, 323K)

247. Design and feasibility of wash down stations for boating equipment entering the Rotorua Lakes. N. Miller; P. Richardson; E. Collins; K. Young 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 247. 25 p. (PDF, 280K) 

246. Conservation of kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) in the Cook Islands in 2004/05. H.A. Robertson; E.K. Saul 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 246. 18 p. (PDF, 188K)

245. Impacts of mice and hedgehogs on native forest invertebrates: a pilot study. C. Jones; R.J. Toft 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 245. 32 p. (PDF, 473K)

244. An attenuated strain of canine distemper virus for stoat and ferret control. T. Zheng; H. Chiang 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 244. 18 p. (PDF, 119K)

243. Response of reef fish to partial and no-take protection at Mayor Island (Tuhua). N.T. Shears; N.R. Usmar 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 243. 31 p. (PDF, 453K)

242. Observations of yellow flower wasp activity at Butlers Creek, Ninety Mile Beach. V. Rawnsley 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 242. 14 p. (PDF, 136K)

241. Testing the attractiveness, palatability and longevity of stoat lure and bait formulations. B.K. Clapperton; L. Robbins; R.E.R. Porter; K. Tallentire 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 241. 30 p. (PDF, 188K)

240. Mortality and dispersion of saddlebacks after reintroduction to Boundary Stream Mainland Island. W.J. Sullivan 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 240. 14 p. (PDF, 197K)

239. Effects of Pinus radiata plantations on environmental weed invasion into adjacent native forest reserves. J. Sullivan; P.A. Williams; S.M. Timmins 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 239. 25 p. (PDF, 241K)

238. Age and growth of wild-caught grass carp in the Waikato River catchment. C. Baker; J. Smith 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 238. 11 p. (PDF, 372K)

237. Field identification of katipo. M.E. Sutton; B. Christensen; J.A. Hutcheson 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 237. 9 p. (PDF, 222K)

236. Gravel burrowing ability in Galaxias cobitinis. N.R. Dunn; L.K. O'Brien 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 236. 25 p.

Part 1: (PDF, 490K
Part 2: (PDF, 292K)

235. Cetacean research in New Zealand 2004/05. S. Childerhouse (Comp.) 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 235. 20 p. (PDF, 175K)

234. Status of birds and rodents on Niue following cyclone Heta in January 2004. R.G. Powlesland; D.J. Butler; I.M. Westbrooke 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 234. 27 p. (PDF, 223K)

233. Design and use of artificial refuges for monitoring adult tree weta, Hemideina crassidens and H. thoracica. C. Bleakley; I. Stringer; A. Robertson; D. Hedderley 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 233. 37 p.

Part 1: (PDF, 249K
Part 2: (PDF, 353K)

232. Offshore distribution of Hector's dolphin at Banks Peninsula. W. Rayment; S.M. Dawson; E. Slooten; S. Childerhouse 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 232. 23 p. (PDF, 444K)

231. Effect of reduced possum density on rodent and stoat abundance in podocarp-hardwood forests. P.J. Sweetapple; G. Nugent; N. Poutu; P. Horton 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 231. 25 p. (PDF, 214K)

230. Effects of pest control on forest invertebrates in Tongariro National Park-preliminary results. M. Potter; I. Stringer; M. Wakelin; P. Barrett; D. Hedderley 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 230. 17 p. (PDF, 451K)

229. Review of visitor research for the Department of Conservation. K. Booth 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 229. 46 p. (PDF, 259K)

228. Visitors to Cape Reinga: site use and management implications. L. Greer 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 228. 24 p. (PDF, 307K)

227. Public attitudes to pest control: a literature review. A. Fraser 2006. DOC Research & Development Series 227. 36 p. (PDF, 181K)

226. Reef fish of the Sugar Loaf Islands (Ngä Motu) Marine Protected Area, New Zealand. R. Miller; B. Williams; C. Duffy 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 226. 26 p. (PDF, 344K)

225. Testing the weed risk assessment system for new conservation weeds in New Zealand. P.A. Williams; J. Boow; G. La Cock; G. Wilson 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 225. 19 p. (PDF, 189K)

224. Dactylanthus taylorii recovery plan review: 1995–2000. S. Holzapfel 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 224. 47 p. (PDF, 266K)

223. Proposed framework for a social research strategy for the Department of Conservation. J. Warren; B. James; L. Procter 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 223. 22 p. (PDF, 253K)

222. Planning for visitor management at Mason Bay (Rakiura National Park, Stewart Island). K. Wray; M. Harbrow; B. Kazmierow 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 222. 81 p.

Part 1: (PDF, 327K
Part 2: (PDF, 175K
Part 3: (PDF, 502K)

221. Distribution of the very rare moss Epipterygium opararense and recommendations for track upgrades at Oparara. A.J. Fife; P. Knightbridge 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 221. 6 p. (PDF, 80K)

220. The effect of rotenone on orchard-pond invertebrate communities in the Motueka area, South Island, New Zealand. T.J. Blakely; W.L. Chadderton; J.S. Harding 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 220. 26 p. (PDF, 164K)

219. Genetic analyses of carp, goldfish, and carp-goldfish hybrids in New Zealand. P.J. Smith; S.M. McVeagh 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 219. 20 p. (PDF, 369K)

218. Assessment of site-occupancy modeling as a technique to monitor Hochstetter's frog (Leiopelma hochstetteri) populations. M.R. Crossland; D.I. MacKenzie; S. Holzapfel 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 218. 23 p. (PDF, 189K)

217. A bibliographic database on stoats and weasels. C.M. King 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 217. 21 p. (PDF, 118K)

216. Aerial 1080 operations to maximise biodiversity protection. K.P. Brown; S.C. Urlich 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 216. 36 p. (PDF, 460K)

215. Fire in wetlands and scrub vegetation: studies in Southland, Otago, and Westland. P.N. Johnson 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 215. 42 p. (PDF, 622K)

214. Cetacean research in New Zealand 2003/04. S. Childerhouse 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 214. 20 p. (PDF, 156K)

213. Survey and monitoring of black petrels on Great Barrier Island, 2003/04. E.A. Bell; J.L. Sim 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 213. 27 p. (PDF, 336K)

212. Vegetation monitoring, Tararua Forest Park, New Zealand, 1958–85. S.W. Husheer 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 212. 42 p. (PDF, 373K)

211. Assessment of methods to monitor Otago skink and grand skink populations, New Zealand. C.M. Roughton 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 211. 26 p. (PDF, 386K)

210. Chilean rhubarb (Gunnera tinctoria); biology, ecology and conservation impacts in New Zealand. P.A. Williams; C.C. Ogle; S.M. Timmins; G. La Cock; J. Clarkson 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 210. 27 p. (PDF, 425K)

209. Assessment of the impact of 1080 on the native frogs Leiopelma archeyi and L. hochstetteri. A.J. Perfect; B.D. Bell 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 209. 58 p.

Part 1: (PDF, 238K)
Part 2: (PDF, 342K)

208. Kiwi (Apteryx spp.) on offshore New Zealand islands: populations, translocations and identification of potential release sites. R.M. Colbourne 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 208. 24 p. (PDF, 259K)

207. Conservation of kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) in the Cook Islands in 2003/04. H.A. Robertson; E.K. Saul 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 207. 16 p. (PDF, 206K)

206. Habitat selection and breeding ecology of the endangered Chatham Island oystercatcher (Haematopus chathamensis). F. Schmechel; A.M. Paterson 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 206. 34 p. (PDF, 207K)

205. Captive management of mudfish Neochanna (Teleostei: Galaxiidae) spp. L.K. O'Brien; N.R. Dunn 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 205. 29 p. (PDF, 332K)

204. Protection of shorebirds at three Northland sites – Mangawhai, Waipu, and Ruakaka. K. Hansen 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 204. 18 p. (PDF, 125K)

203. Potential killing effectiveness of Sturgeon Rat/Stoat Trap. N. Poutu; B. Warburton 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 203. 7 p. (PDF, 58K)

202. Virus testing of unhealthy Gentiana aff. saxosa. C. Delmiglio 2005. DOC Research & Development Series 202. 9 p. (PDF, 73K)

201. Intertidal and subtidal habitats of Mimiwhangata Marine Park and adjacent shelf. V. Kerr; R. Grace. DOC Research & Development Series 201. 55 p. (PDF, 552K)

DOC Research & Development Series Compendia

Issues of DOC Research & Development Series are available in bound compendia as follows:

305-308. 172 p.
299-304. 154 p.
293-298. 197 p.
289-292. 206 p.
284-288. 178 p.
280-283. 201 p.
274-279. 194 p.
266-273. 194 p. 
259-265. 208 p. 
251-258. 208 p. 
244-250. 214 p. 
234-243. 216 p. 
227-233. 216 p. 
222-226. 202 p. 
215-221. 180 p. 
209-214. 214 p. 
201-208. 200 p.


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