
Read DOC's briefing to the incoming Minister of Conservation on their portfolio, the Department of Conservation, and our work. Published December 2020.

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Briefing to the incoming Minister of Conservation 2020 (PDF, 11,705K)

This document has been proactively released, consistent with provisions of the Official Information Act 1982.



  • Our strategy

Who we are

Our roles

  • Partner with iwi, hapū and whānau, and collaborate with others
  • Care for the land, the waters, our native species and our heritage
  • Advocate for nature, and be a regulator
  • Foster recreation in nature
  • Tell the stories of our nature and our history

Your role as Minister of Conservation – and how we support you

Investing in conservation

Delivering outcomes – opportunities over the next 3 years

Te ora o Papatūānuku | Healthy nature

TŪĀPAPA – Getting the system right

WHAKAHAU – Empowering action

TIAKI – Protecting and restoring

Te ora o te Hapori | Thriving communities

  • Embedding a nature-based recovery to reach broader and economic goals
  • Tourism recovery
  • Visitor safety
  • Heritage
  • Crown pastoral land reform

Te hunga Atawhai | People who care

  • A Treaty partnership that goes beyond our legal obligations
  • Investing in our organisational capability and operating model
  • Embedding climate change and sustainability


  • Appendix [1] – Suggested 90-day priorities
  • Appendix [2] - Conservation legislation and management framework

© Copyright December 2020, New Zealand Department of Conservation

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