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North Island brown kiwi feathers.

Reports and publications about kiwi


Find reports and publications about kiwi.

Roroa/great spotted kiwi (Apteryx maxima) species plan 2019–2029 (PDF, 2,650K)
This species plan for roroa shares the goals, objectives and strategic directives of the kiwi
recovery plan but provides the detail required to deliver these. 

Captive Management Plan For Kiwi 2018 (PDF, 1,896K)
Defines the scope of the managed population and sets the rationale for holding brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) in captivity in New Zealand.

Kaitaia kiwi directory and guide
This is a guiding document to assist agencies, community groups and landowners involved in kiwi and kiwi habitat protection in the greater Kaitaia Area.

Kiwi Recovery Plan 2018-2028 (PDF 1,340K)
Provides a brief overview of kiwi species, their status and population trends, and agents of decline and current threats to them. Also outlines the strategic framework underlying kiwi recovery, and the cultural importance, public awareness and community involvement in kiwi recovery.

Summary booklet about the plan: English (PDF, 3,999K) and Māori (PDF, 3,999K)

Kiwi recovery plan 2008-2018 (PDF, 685K)

Operation Nest Egg incubation and chick rearing best practice protocols (PDF, 2,147K)
Outlines the current best-practice knowledge, protocols and techiques for the Brown Kiwi BNZ. Operation Nest Egg (ONE) programme, for all current and prospective ONE captive rearing centres. 

Rowi - the rarest of them all (PDF, 960K)
With just 350 birds left at the start of 2010, rowi are the rarest of the world's five species of kiwi. This title unfortunately earns them a place on the ‘nationally critical’ list.

Tokoeka monitoring - Murchison Mountains 2011/12 (PDF, 505K)
Monitoring of northern Fiordland tokoeka (Apteryx australis australis) in the Murchison Mountains, Fiordland National Park, began in 2003. This report presents the results of the 2011/12 season. 

Summary reports on the Tongariro Forest Kiwi Sanctuary:

Wairakei Golf and Sanctuary Annual Report 2012 (PDF, 1,583K)
A summary report on the Wairakei Sanctuary for the 2012 year.

Whangarei Kiwi Sanctuary annual reports
Provides a summary report on all aspects of the Whangarei Kiwi Sanctuary operations. 


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