View from Cape Reinga
Image: Benhi Dixon | Creative Commons



Te Paki is home to a wide range of native plants and animals, with easy access to great campgrounds, walking tracks and many recreation opportunities.

The area provides easy access to idyllic campgrounds, great walking tracks and picnic areas. Opportunities for outdoor recreation include enjoying the stunning views, bird watching and tramping, swimming, diving, fishing and surfing.

Find things to do and places to stay Te Paki Recreation Reserve

Snorkelling and scuba diving are popular on the most sheltered east coast.

Fishing is popular from rocky headlands on the more sheltered east coast.

The 4WD standard road to Pandora is suitable for walking or mountain biking.

Check, Clean, Dry

Clean all gear when moving between waterways to prevent the spread of didymo and other freshwater pests.

How to check, clean, dry your gear.

Stop kauri disease and protect kauri

  • Scrub all soil off shoes and gear.
  • Use cleaning stations.
  • Always stay on the track.

How you can help save kauri


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