
Detailed species information from your search of the Atlas.
Scientific name:
Oligosoma homalonotum
Common name:
chevron skink
Naming authority:
(Boulenger, 1906)
Bio status category:
Indigenous (Endemic)
IUCN threat status:
NZ threat classification:
Nationally Vulnerable

Refer to for NZ threat classification system details.

chevron skink. Photo: Dick Veitch.
chevron skink


  • Stream margins in native forest where it inhabits tree trunks, debris, and burrows.
  • Diurnal but very cryptic, rarely sun basks.


  • Animal grey, or body light- to reddish brown becoming grey on neck and head.
  • Back with distinct chevron pattern, sides with small pale blotches.
  • Undersurface pale with scattered spots, especially on the throat.
  • Bold vertical black/white marking beneath the eye.
  • Measures up to 143 mm from snout tip to vent.


  • Great and Little Barrier Islands.
  • Sparse.


  • The scientific name means "smooth back".
  • Notes about 2008-10 cycle of NZ threat classification for Reptiles (Hitchmough et al 2010): Greatly improved knowledge, Aotea population appears stable, status of Hauturu population still unknown but predicted to be increasing.
  • Notes about 2012-14 cycle of NZ threat classification for Reptiles: (Hitchmough, et al.
  • 2012): Distribution patchy on Aotea - 4 catchments have reasonable populations.
  • Repeat survey done on Aotea in 2012, 74 individuals found, including 1 recapture from 2010 (none from 2008).
  • Similar numbers relative to effort from 2008 and 2010, so inference is that populations are stable in these areas.
  • 1 more found on Hauturu (not confirmed); likely to be slowly increasing.

Statistical information and distribution map

  Before 1988 Since 1988
Live Specimen 76 207
Dead Specimen 0 20
Total 76 227

  Live or dead specimen or shed skin
  Bone or fossil

chevron skink Distribution Map.'
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