
Detailed species information from your search of the Atlas.
Scientific name:
Oligosoma acrinasum
Common name:
Fiordland skink
Naming authority:
(Hardy, 1977)
Bio status category:
Indigenous (Endemic)
IUCN threat status:
Lower Risk: near threatened
NZ threat classification:

Refer to for NZ threat classification system details.

Fiordland skink. Photo: Unknown.
Fiordland skink


  • Creviced rocks and boulder beaches on the cold and rough Fiordland coast, often in the splash zone.
  • Diurnal, avid sun-backer.
  • May bask communally, sometimes in tangled piles of up to 30 or more individuals.


  • Black or dark brown with a multitude of tiny green or yellow-green flecks, and sometimes also light blue flecks.
  • Markings on small juveniles often brown.
  • Markings may converge on edge of back to form a flecked stripe, and are sparse on the upper portion of the sides, giving the impression of a broad dark stripe.
  • Undersurface mottled grey-green and black.
  • Measures up to 88 mm from snout tip to vent.
  • Snout pointed, tail very long.


  • Fiordland coastline, most populations on islands.
  • Abundant to extremely abundant in predator-free locations; sparse (often dying out entirely) in presence of mammalian predators.


  • Notes about NZ threat classification (Hitchmough, et al 2007): One mainland population, other populations on islands.
  • Translocated population on Hawea Island.
  • The scientific name means "pointed nose".
  • Notes about 2008-10 cycle of NZ threat classification for Reptiles (Hitchmough et al 2010): Island populations secure and some recovering after predator removal; small number of mainland populations on deep boulder beaches.
  • Notes about 2012-14 cycle of NZ threat classification for Reptiles: (Hitchmough, et al.
  • 2012): Recovery detected on Resolution (Hannah Edmonds pers.
  • comm.
  • ) but not Secretary Island, otherwise no new data.

Statistical information and distribution map

  Before 1988 Since 1988
Live Specimen 303 420
Dead Specimen 2 0
Total 305 420

  Live or dead specimen or shed skin
  Bone or fossil

Fiordland skink Distribution Map.'
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