
Detailed species information from your search of the Atlas.
Scientific name:
Leiopelma hamiltoni
Common name:
Hamilton's frog
Naming authority:
McCulloch, 1919
Bio status category:
Indigenous (Endemic)
IUCN threat status:
NZ threat classification:
Nationally Critical

Refer to for NZ threat classification system details.

Hamilton's frog. Photo: IG Crook.
Hamilton's frog


  • Coastal forest and deep boulder banks.
  • Nocturnal.
  • Eggs layed on damp soil beneath rocks or logs and gaurded by male; development terrestrial, tadpoles and froglets may cling to males back until metamorphosis completed.


  • Light fawn to dark brown, or juveniles sometimes greenish, with varying amounts of dark blotching.
  • No bright markings on thighs.
  • Measures up to 49 mm from snout tip to vent.
  • The skin is generally smooth, though some scattered tubercles (small knob-like projections on the skin) occur on the proximal (upper) portions of the thighs and shanks, and some individuals are more warty on their backs than others.


  • Stephens and Nukuwaiata Islands in Cook Strait.
  • Subfossil bones attributable to the Leiopelma hamiltoni species complex have been found in the Waitomo, Hawke's Bay, Wairarapa and north-west Nelson areas, suggesting that some or all of the members of this group were formerly more widely distributed.


  • Notes about 2008-10 cycle of NZ threat classification for Frogs (Newman et al 2010): Nationally critical (A) because total area of occupancy <1 ha, although total population in 250-1000 bracket, qualifier 'CD' - island biosecurity, translocated Nukuwaiata population showing promising signs on but not shown yet to be increasing, and not yet regarded as established as island-born young not yet shown to be breeding.
  • Named after Harold Hamilton who collected the first specimens discovered.
  • One of the rarest amphibians in the world; less than 200 on Stephens Island.
  • In 2004, the Department of Conservation translocated 40 specimens from Stephens Island to Nukuwaiata Island (in the Chetwodes Island group), establishing a new population.
  • Notes about NZ threat classification (Hitchmough, et al 2007): Native on Stephens Island only - approximately 350 individuals.
  • Notes about 2012-14 cycle of NZ threat classification for Frogs: (Newman, et al.
  • 2013): Early signs of establishment with recruitment on Nukuwaiata, but not yet considered an established population.

Statistical information and distribution map

  Before 1988 Since 1988
Live Specimen 172 876
Dead Specimen 1 0
Bone 60 54
Fossil 8 8
Total 241 938

  Live or dead specimen or shed skin
  Bone or fossil

Hamilton's frog Distribution Map.'
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