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A photo taken at night of a large green bird crouched in a hollow under a tree.

Kākāpō Cam: Live stream


The Kākāpō Cam chicks have now fledged and left their nest on Whenua Hou/Codfish Island.

Kākāpō Cam was a trial live stream of a kākāpō nest on Whenua Hou, a predator-free island 71 kilometres from the mainland. Kākāpō Cam will be used to share behind the scenes insights into nest activity in future breeding seasons.

In this year’s nest the breeding female Rakiura laid four eggs at the beginning of this season. Unfortunately, all her eggs were infertile, but she has been a great foster mum to chicks Solstice-A2-2022 and Solstice-A3-2022.

The chicks have now fledged and left their nest. We look forward to live streaming future breeding seasons.
