Arowhenua Nursery
Image: Kim Morgan | DOC


Get information about DOC’s transition approach as Jobs for Nature finishes.

The Jobs for Nature programme has been a time limited response to the COVID-19 pandemic and ends in June 2025.

DOC’s approach to project transition is to support projects to lead their own transition through:

  • direct engagement with project partners to understand transition requirements
  • baseline support
  • facilitating connections to resources, entities, and pathways where they come available.

DOC will continue to support project partners over the duration of the programme through our regional networks.

When projects close we will ensure they are connected to baseline support. This support includes:

  • employment support from Ministry of Social Development’s regional labour market managers
  • supporting participation on the Tūhono Taiao digital platform
  • support to demonstrate the benefits of Jobs for Nature project work
  • considering support or variations within the existing funding period.

Tūhono Taiao

Tūhono Taiao is a platform for groups to share best practices, tools, data, resources, expertise and people. It will also provide better access, and knowledge of, alternative funding sources.

Tūhono Taiao was developed to support Jobs for Nature projects to transition and sustain their outcomes. The platform was launched to the wider public in June 2024.

Sign up at Tūhono Taiao

Further information

Jobs for Nature transition resources (PDF, 629K)


Speak with your JFN contact or your regional DOC office to discuss your transition plan and possible pathways in more detail.

If you don’t know who your DOC contact is, email for more information.

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