Get information on this page about these 2017 meetings:
Time: 1:00pm
Place: G0.1 Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington
Chair: Kris Ramm
Terms of reference: CSP RAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 55K)
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 251K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 893K)
This is the draft methodology report for POP2017-06: reporting on milestone 1 of this project
This project was presented on at the CSP TWG on the 7 December 2017. Comments are sought until 5 pm Friday 21 December 2017 and should be sent to
This is the draft final annual report for MIT2015-01: Seabird Liaison Surface Longline Fleet Programme
This project was presented on at the CSP TWG on the 27 July 2017. Comments are sought until 5 pm Wednesday 7 December 2017 and should be sent to
This is the draft final annual report for INT2015-03 Identification and storage of cold-water corals
This methodology of this project was presented at the CSP TWG on the 16 November 2016. Comments are sought until 5pm, Monday 4 December 2017 and should be sent to
This is the draft final annual report for INT2015-03 Identification and storage of cold-water corals
This methodology of this project was presented at the CSP TWG on the 16 November 2016. Comments are sought until 5pm, Friday 1 September 2017 and should be sent to
This is the draft final report for POP2016-01: Seabird Population Research, Chatham Islands 2016/17 aerial photographic survey
This project was presented at the CSP TWG on the 24 May 2017. Comments are sought until 5pm, Friday 18 August 2017 and should be sent to
This is the draft final report for MIT2015-02: Seabird mitigation: small longline vessel trials - Testing the Hookpod-mini in the NZ pelagic longline fishery
This project was presented at the CSP TWG on the 27 July 2017. Comments are sought until 5pm, Thursday 17 August 2017 and should be sent to
These are two of the final reports for POP2016-01: Seabird Population research: Chatham Islands 2016-17.
This project was presented at the CSP TWG on the 16 March 2017. Comments are sought until 5pm, Thursday 27 July 2017 and should be sent to
G0.1 Holloway Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington.
Chair: Kris Ramm (DOC)
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 137K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 989K)
CSP TWG presentations:
AEWG TWG presentations:
L6 meeting room, Eagle Technology House, 124 Victoria Street Wellington
Chair: Nathan Walker (MPI) & Kris Ramm (DOC)
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 134K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 804K)
AEWG Technical Working Group presentations
CSP Technical Working Group presentations
G0.1 Holloway Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington
Chair: Kris Ramm
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 178K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 1,962K)
Non-CSP Technical Working Group presentations
CSP Technical Working Group presentations
CSP Technical Working Group Research Updates
This is the draft final report for POP2016-03: Updated basking shark bycatch review.
This report was presented at the CSP TWG on 16 March 2017. Comments are sought until 5 pm 3 May 2017 and should be sent to
This is the final report for the assessment of aerial census technique for surveying Gibson's albatross on Adams Island, 2016
This report was presented at the CSP TWG on the 10.June 2016. Comments are sought until 5pm 28 April 2017 and should be sent to
G0.1 Holloway Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 161K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 1,316K)
CSP Technical Working Group presentations
Non-CSP Technical Working Group presentations
Non-CSP reports tabled
The Terrace Conference Centre House, 114 The Terrace, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus, DOC
Terms of reference: CSP RAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 55K)
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 239K)
CSP reports tabled