
View a report documenting the population and distribution of white-capped albatross at the Auckland Islands in 2006.

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POP 2005/02 - Annual report 2006 (PDF, 165K)


  • Figure 1 -  Map of the three white-capped albatross breeding sites in the Auckland Islands. (PDF, 339K)
  • Figure 2 - Map showing results from PTT tracking of white-capped albatross. (PDF, 406K)
  • Figure 3 - Map of PTT tracking of a white-capped albatross on two consecutive foraging trips. (PDF, 595K)
  • Figure 4 - Map showing GPS fixes for white-capped albatross tracked during this study. (PDF, 756K)
  • Figure 5 - Map of GPS fixes on a white-capped albatross as it made two consecutive foraging trips. PDF, 592K)
  • Figure 6 - Review the kernel density plot for all GPS data from this white-capped albatross study.   (PDF, 454K)


In New Zealand, white-capped albatross Thalassarche steadi breed primarily at the Auckland Islands archipelago (Auckland, Adams and Disappointment Islands), with relatively small numbers breeding at Bollons Island, Antipodes Group, and at the Forty-Fours, Chatham group. Despite being New Zealand's most numberous breeding albatross with ca. 75,000 pairs at the Auckland Islands, very little is known of breeding biology, population characteristics and demography, and at-sea distribution of this species. Additionally, relatively large numbers of white-capped albatross have been killed and returned from observed New Zealand fisheries. 

This report summarises work undertaken to date as part of the Conservation Services Programme project POP2005-02 - Conduct a population and distributional study on white-capped albatross at the Auckland Islands. The overall objectives of the project were to estimate population parameters relevant to fisheries-related mortality of the white-capped albatross, and to investigate the at-sea distribution of the white-capped albatross particularly as it relates to fisheries. 

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