
This is the final report for CSL contract 3024 on the estimation of Hector's dolphin bycatch from inshore fisheries 1997/98. Published 2000.

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Estimation of Hector's dolphin bycatch from inshore fisheries 1997/98 (PDF, 181 K)


Information on the bycatch of Hector's dolphins (Cephalorynchus hecotri) in inshore setnet and trawl fisheries off the east coast of the South Island, was collected by observers during the 1997/08 fishing year. Shark species and elephant fish were the main target species for the 214 observed setnets; five observed setnets accounted for eight of the Hector's dolphins reported caught (two were released alive).

A total of 434 trawls targeting primarily red cod, flatfish, and tarakihi were observed, and one Hector's dolphin was observed caught in shallow water. The single capture, and the lack of depth or position information from the majority of the commercial data collection forms, prevented any analysis of the bycatch from the observed trawls. 

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