Conservation Week
Image: DOC


Download digital content and event resources for social media, meetings and more to support Conservation Week.

You can support the kaupapa by sharing content on your social media or website, hosting an event for your community or by spreading the word to your networks.

Help others take action for nature by using Conservation Week resources on your channels. 

Download all Conservation Week  resources (ZIP, 42,234K)

Or download individually below. 

Social media

One of our social media options

Promote Conservation Week on social media.

  • Use hashtag #ConservationWeek.
  • Tag us using @docgovtnz in your content.
  • Encourage your followers to take an action for nature in ways that suit them.

Use our tile images:


Read our guide to help you plan your own Conservation Week event

Once you've planned your event, use one of our Conservation Week banners to let people know your event is part of the festivities.

Printable posters

We have posters available in two languages – te reo Māori and English.

Note that the posters are not a direct translation of each other, but they are two perspectives of the theme for Conservation Week. Because of this, we strongly suggest that the posters are printed double sided so you can make the choice on what side to display. Or print only the version you are planning to display. Putting both versions side by side implies a direct translation which isn’t true and could be misleading for those viewing the posters.

The phrase used on the te reo Māori poster is: Mō te taiao te take.

This means that the motivation (for my action) is love for the environment. The word in Māori is the word doing something for someone's benefit. Take is the word for 'underlying reason'. This phrase says we are doing things for the benefit the whole environment, with nature as the main driver.

Posters are available two sided in A1, A3 and A4 sizes. 

Colouring activities

Download the colouring activity sheet PDF as a fun colouring activity to do for Conservation Week or host your own colouring competition. The colouring competition sheet file has space for you to customise ‘how to enter and submit your entry’ details for your competition before you save it as a PDF and distribute it.

Email signature

Let your network know you’re in support of Conservation Week by using the image below in your email signature.

Digital meeting wallpaper

Celebrate Conservation Week by adding a background to your next online meeting. 


Website banner

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