Nominations open for 2025 Loder Cup Award
We are now taking nominations to be considered for the award of the Loder Cup in 2025.
Nominations close 5 pm on Friday 2 May 2025.
Criteria to consider when submitting a nomination include whether the candidate:
- meets Gerald Loder’s objective to “encourage and honour New Zealanders who work to investigate, promote, retain and cherish New Zealand’s indigenous flora”
- has made a tangible difference to the protection of Aotearoa New Zealand’s indigenous flora, and
- has made a significant contribution over and above their employment expectations (if they work in the field of botany, plant conservation, or horticulture).
Nominations must be submitted from one of 10 nominating organisations, or any private individual or socities that can show affiliations to one of the nominating organistions. More details are available in the nomination form.
How to apply
Download and complete the nomination form: 2025 nomination form (PDF, 450K)
Provide the following in support of your application:
- a completed nomination form
- an outline of achievements – this should include a brief summary of the nominee’s achievements, and the consequent outcomes, and should not exceed five pages
- a brief CV or detailed description of a nominated group’s work, and
- any additional material – this should be limited to instances where they are deemed highly relevant and should not exceed six items.
Send PDFs of the nomination form and documents to support your nomination to:
Or post:
Dr Rick McGovern-Wilson
Statutory Appointments Manager
Department of Conservation
PO Box 10 420
Wellington 6143