Kauri tree in Waipoua Forest


The Predator Free Te Tai Tokerau Collective is a growing collaboration of more than 50 groups and organisations working towards a predator free Northland.

Predator Free Te Tai Tokerau builds on the decades of dedication from individuals, groups and tangata whenua who have committed countless hours to protect our native tāonga species and enhance biodiversity through predator control activities.

By bringing together the unique perspectives and knowledge of our Northland communities and collaborators, we can achieve a predator free Te Tai Tokerau in a more sustainable, lasting, and powerful way.

Pathway plan 2021–2026

Predator Free Te Tai Tokerau pathway plan 2021–2026 (PDF, 3,999K)

The plan brings regional PF2050 projects and conservation activities happening across the region into a cohesive and collective picture. It captures actions, commitments, and needs.

We have called this plan a pathway as it helps guide us forward. We’re learning as we’re going, continuing to address gaps, include more people in the kōrero, and adapting to changing tools and funding.

The commitments in the plan put us is in a strong position to take the next step forward towards Predator Free Te Tai Tokerau. We have the opportunity to be bold, novel and do things differently.

Get involved

A person walks through long grass on a hill side.
Predator Free Whangārei trap servicing
Image: Hadden Morrison | ©

Join a group near you

Kiwi Coast map of Northland Predator Free groups

Learn how to get involved in Predator Free 2050

Talk to a Predator Free Ranger

Thinking about starting your own group and want to talk to someone about the process? Contact one of our local DOC Predator Free Rangers: 


Kallan Mehrtens
Email: kmehrtens@doc.govt.nz

Bay of Islands

Dan O'Halloran
Email: dohalloran@doc.govt.nz


Jamie Werner
Email: jwerner@doc.govt.nz

Kauri Coast

Andrew Knock
Email: aknock@doc.govt.nz

Sign up to our newsletter

The Predator Free 2050: Te Tai Tokerau Collective newsletter is released quarterly. Sign up to receive the latest updates.

Previous Issues

History of Predator Free Te Tai Tokerau and the pathway plan

Developing a regional plan

In 2020, DOC published the Predator Free 2050 National Strategy and 5-year action plan. DOC, in collaboration with Northland Regional Council, funded research into how the PF2050 vision resonated with Te Tai Tokerau.

We wanted to learn what was important to Northlanders and whether there was an interest in developing a predator free regional plan. Our interviews and research with community organisations and Tangata Whenua showed enthusiasm for the goal and developing a regional plan.

In April 2021, planning sessions with community conservation groups, key organisations, regional agencies and industry representatives were held to develop a plan. Sessions were in Dargaville, Kaitaia, Kerikeri and Whangārei.

We worked together to outline activities aligned with PF2050 for the next five years and brainstormed what could be achieved with more resources, more regional collaboration and new thinking. The collective decided to build support and strengthen existing projects to ‘hold the space’ until new national tools and technologies are available for eradication across Northland.

The plan captures the feedback and contributions from willing voices across the region but does not assume to represent all of Te Tai Tokerau.

Co-designing with Māori

During the first half of 2021, a team of kaimahi with existing ties to iwi, hapū and whānau developed an inclusive sample of tangata whenua priorities for PF2050 in Te Tai Tokerau from their local networks. They focused discussions on ‘Kaupapa Māori’ approaches which reinstate whānau, hapū and iwi relationships with te taiao (nature) based on He Whakaputanga me Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Declaration of Independence and The Treaty of Waitangi).


There are plenty of tools available to help you get a better understanding of both our taonga and our pests in Northland. Below are a few links to get you started.

Northland kiwi calendar (PDF, 439K)

Northland possum food calendar (PDF, 2,605K)

Predator Free 2050: A practical guide to trapping (PDF, 5,592K)

Northland landscape scale projects

Learn about large scale projects happening around Northland.

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