
Fill in this form to apply to be a Mueller Hut warden volunteer this summer.

Privacy disclosure: To process your request or information, we need to collect personal information about you. We'll only use your information for this purpose and we'll follow the principles of the Privacy Act 2020. See our privacy and security statement.


What dates are you available for?

We also require volunteers who will be available at short notice. You may be called on if a confirmed volunteer needs to withdraw.

Would you be available at short notice?

Contact details

Personal details

Are you 18 or older?

Emergency contact

For international volunteers, add a New Zealand contact if available.

Medical conditions

For my own health and safety, the following pre-existing medical conditions, allergies or past injuries and special dietary needs are for DOC to note.

Do you give consent to have your medical information shared with your nominated emergency contact?


For this volunteer opportunity, you must possess a high level of fitness such as carrying a heavy pack containing food and equipment over steep and rough terrain up an ascent of 1000 m.

The following is a general guide to help you indicate your preferred level of activity.

My fitness level


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