Tarnbrae moraines complex, Ohau
Image: Gilbert van Reenen | ©


This fund helps private landowners, local government, community groups, and others permanently protect high value ecosystems.

NHF logo.

The fund is currently closed

For information on when the next funding round will open, subscribe to our mailing list. Email NHF-Admin@doc.govt.nz with the subject 'subscribe'.

Who can apply

Applications can be made to the fund by:

  • private landowners
  • local and regional government bodies, and local authority trading enterprises
  • professional and community-based organisations
  • local, regional, and national “umbrella” organisations
  • non-government organisations (NGOs)
  • central government departments and agencies.


    For further information about the Nature Heritage Fund:

    Phone: 0800 86 20 20

    Email: NHF-Admin@doc.govt.nz


    The Funds Advisor
    Nature Heritage Fund
    PO Box 10-420
    Wellington 6143

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