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Applying for a permit for the first time can be complicated. To ensure your application goes smoothly we offer a free pre-application meeting.
We’ll help you to:
The Marine Mammals Protection Regulations provides for the protection, conservation, and management of marine mammals. Anyone wanting to undertake commercial activities involving marine mammals must have a permit from DOC.
A commercial operation is:
Note: An activity does not have to be a specific marine mammal viewing tour to require a permit, viewing of marine mammals as a side activity of a trip (eg fishing charter, guided kayak tours, guided walking tours) will still need a permit if the above criteria are met.
If you are filming within the Regulations using your own vessel a permit is not required. If you are chartering a vessel/skipper or operating outside of the Regulations, then a permit application needs to be made.
Drones are currently classified as aircraft and should not be flown directly above a marine mammal and no closer than 150m horizontally. An application for a permit needs to be made to fly a drone closer than 150m horizontally, assessing the application consideration is given to the need to conserve, protect, or manage any marine mammal.
More information: Information for applicants - Marine Mammals Protection Regulations permits (PDF, 64K)
For all applications fill in: Applicant information - activities involving marine mammals form 8 (PDF, 210K) or (Word 535K)
You will also need to fill in the form below that applies to your proposed activity:
Email the forms along with the relevant documents requested to permissions@doc.govt.nz.
If your application is approved we will send you a permit which you must sign and return before proceeding with your activity.
Find out more about the process and how to prepare your application.
Permissions application process
Preparing a permission application
Complex applications could take a number of months to be processed.
If your proposed activity has to be notified to the public because your application is for a new permit or there are likely to be significant environmental effects over the duration of your activity, this will impact your application processing time.
See How long it takes to process an application for more information on application timeframes.
We will invoice you once we have received your application. The processing fee is likely to be $2065 plus GST ($2374.75 including GST).
If your proposed activity has to be notified to the public because your application is for a new permit or there are likely to be significant environmental effects over the duration of your activity your fee will include the cost of public notification and hearings. We will provide an estimate of the likely application processing time and cost when your application is received.
We ask that permit holders record sightings on their trips to help assist with managing the effects and conservation of marine mammals. Copies of the report templates can be found here:
Anyone wanting to take, hold, import, export marine mammals or parts thereof must have a permit from DOC.
Take includes:
(a) to take, catch, kill, injure, attract, poison, tranquillise, herd, harass, disturb, or possess
(b) to brand, tag, mark, or do any similar thing
(c) to flense, render down, or separate any part from a carcass
(d) to attempt to do any act specified in paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) or paragraph (c).
For research applications fill in:
Form 12a - Holding, taking, importing, exporting marine mammals for research purposes (Word, 361K)
For non-research applications fill in:
Email the form along with the relevant documents requested to permissions@doc.govt.nz.
Find out more about the process and how to prepare your application.
Permissions application process
Preparing a permission application
How long it takes to process an application
Note, if you intend to import or export any marine mammal product also see: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
For minor amendments (such as changes to staff, contact details and like-for-like vessel changes) use the following forms.
For research applications fill in:
Form 12c Marine mammals for research purposes form (DOCX, 333K)
For non-research applications fill in:
Form 12d Marine mammals for non-research purposes form (DOCX, 337K)
If you are seeking a major amendment (such as term extensions, increases in species impacted, increased area of operation, etc), submit the relevant information using forms 12a or 12b instead.
Email forms for amendments to permissions@doc.govt.nz.
A marine mammal permit is not required by any person who:
Note you may still require permits/certificates under the Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989 which enacts CITES in New Zealand. For more details, see: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
We will send you an estimate of fees before they are incurred and invoice you once we have processed your application. Contact us for further information.
For more information or assistance with your application contact the nearest of these DOC offices.