
Read DOC's briefing to the incoming Minister of Conservation on their portfolio, the Department of Conservation, and our work. Published June 2022.

This briefing was provided to the incoming Minister of Conservation following Cabinet changes that took effect 14 June 2022.

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Briefing to the incoming Minister of Conservation 2022 (PDF, 5,110K)


  1. Executive summary | Whakarāpopoto ā kaiwhakahaere
  2. Purpose | Te aronga
  3. Our purpose and strategy
  4. DOC's role
  5. Budget 2022 overview and outcomes
  6. Your role as Minister of Conservation
    • Delegation of statutory responsibilities
    • Appointment and monitoring responsibilities
    • Strategic direction and performance expectations
    • Monitoring and reviewing performance
    • Resource Management Reforms
  7. The conservation legislation and management framework
    • Legislation
    • Relevant statutory bodies
    • General policies
    • Conservation Management Strategies
    • Management plans
    • Treaty settlement planning documents
    • Te Mana o te Taiao - Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy 2020
  8. Overview of priority work programmes
    1. Conservation law reform and a review of the Wildlife Act 1953
    2. Implementation of Te Mana o te Taiao – Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity
      Strategy (ANZBS)
    3. Jobs for Nature
    4. Stewardship land review and reclassification
    5. Major marine protection initiatives
  9. Overview of other significant work programmes
    • Wider policy work programme
    • Key operational initiatives
  10. Attachments
    • Attachment 1 – DOC’s Integrated Strategy
    • Attachment 2 – Organisational Chart (effective 3 October 2022)
    • Attachment 3 – Senior Leadership Team biographies (current organisational

© Copyright June 2022, New Zealand Department of Conservation

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