An infringement notice alleges that an offence has been committed and requires payment of a fine. Infringement offences and fine amounts are set by law.
Note that infringement fines for TIES (Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989) border offences must be paid, or disputed, within 14 days. There are no reminders or payment plans.
On this page:
View and pay your infringement fine within 28 days.
When you pay online, your information and transaction is secure. DOC does not retain credit or debit card information you enter.
When an online payment is complete a page will appear confirming the fine has been paid. You will be able to print the receipt. Or, you can print and save the screen image.
Seized gear will be made available for collection after DOC has received confirmation that the fine has been paid. (Note that items seized under the Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989 are forfeit to the Crown and are not returned).
Payment for infringement notices is due within 28 days of you receiving the notice. If you don’t pay within 28 days, we will send you one reminder notice, giving you an extra 28 days to pay.
If the fine is still unpaid, it is referred to the Ministry of Justice (Courts) for debt collection. You have to pay an extra administration cost on top of the fine if this happens.
The courts can take action against people and organisations who don’t pay their fines. This can include taking money from your income or bank account and stopping you travelling overseas.
If you cannot pay the whole fine amount on time, you can contact DOC to pay via instalments. You need to do this within 28 days of receiving the notice.
You are entitled to dispute the infringement fine, if you think you should not have received it, within 56 days (14 days for a Trade in Endangered Species Act border offence). The main grounds to do so are outlined below.
View further details of your rights and obligations on this website or on the back of the notice.
You can:
You need to write to DOC at within 56 days of the infringement notice date (14 days for a Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989 border offence). Include the notice number and date. (If you have no email address, write to the DOC address on the notice envelope.)
We will acknowledge your communication, consider it, and inform you of our decision in writing.
If you want someone else to communicate with DOC about your notice instead of you, email Include:
DOC must pass all infringement fine monies to the Crown (the Treasury).