Ōtuwharekai Recreation Plan (PDF, 2068K)
This plan has been written to consolidate the planning directions for recreational activities and facilities in Ōtuwharekai (the Ashburton Lakes and upper Rangitata River.)
Ōtuwharekai is one of three wetlands around the country managed as part of the national Arawai Kākāriki wetland programme. Arawai Kākāriki aims to restore wetlands with the assistance of the community and learn more about methods for wetland restoration along the way.
As well as containing high wetland and other biodiversity values, Ōtuwharekai is highly valued for its recreational opportunities.
The Department of Conservation analysed the recreational opportunities available within Ōtuwharekai, gathering information from existing survey work, collecting local knowledge, holding public meetings, and referring to other written information. The analysis looked at the actual and potential opportunities and assessed the potential impacts each opportunity would have on the values of Ōtuwharekai and the experiences of other visitors. These potential impacts were then assessed to see whether or not any could be reduced or removed. Analysis identified a number of recreational opportunities to consider and included them in a discussion document.
A discussion document was developed in 2009 outlining actual and potential recreation opportunities throughout Ōtuwharekai, the suitability of those opportunities at different locations within Ōtuwharekai, and potential management options. This focused primarily on recreation opportunities on public conservation land, although opportunities on other types of land were also included where such opportunities were publicly accessible and information about them was available.
Individuals and groups contributed constructive comment on the discussion document. The Department then used the document and the comments received to make decisions about the provision of recreation opportunities and facilities in Ōtuwharekai. These decisions are outlined in the recreation plan.
The recreation plan is a non-statutory document, although the information within it will guide outcomes and policies for inclusion in the Canterbury Conservation Management Strategy (CMS), currently being reviewed.
Public input will be sought to help determine recreational provision when new public conservation land is added to Ōtuwharekai through the tenure review process.