DOC a range of plans, strategies and agreements which set out our goals, actions and directions for our work.
Also see corporate publications and science publications.
General policy is the highest level of statutory policy for conservation management on all public conservation lands and waters, including national parks.
Our statutory planning documents set out how the natural and cultural heritage of New Zealand is to be managed.
View published non-statutory management plans for the operations of conservation areas.
DOC’s Heritage and Visitor Strategy guides our work to sustainably manage visitors to protect and enhance the values of New Zealand’s natural, cultural and historic heritage.
View guidance on biodiversity offsetting and guidance for biodiversity protection on private land.
Our Enforcement Policy and Prosecution Policy guide DOC’s approach to enforcement and decision-making when conservation laws are broken.
The discount policy for recreational facilities encourages engagement with nature and heritage, and rewards contributions to recreation and conservation. Published March 2024.
View DOC's National Education Strategy and the governments Environmental Education for Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan.
Our workplace alcohol and drug policy is for DOC staff, independent contractors and volunteers. Published 2017.
This policy statement sets out our approach to deer control. Published 2001.
A Crown Conservation Contract is a mechanism in the Climate Change Response Act 2002 that enables public conservation land to be entered into the Emissions Trading Scheme.
DOC must comply with the Code of Ethical Conduct when using animals in research, testing and teaching. Published 2019.
DOC engages contractors to help maintain over 1,900 km of roads.
This charter was developed collaboratively with DOC, stakeholders and other agencies. It was announced by Minister Todd McClay on 2 November 2024.
View our various position statements.