New Zealand is a party to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) which came into force for New Zealand on 1 October 2000, following the Government's signing of the Convention in September 1999.
While in New Zealand's jurisdiction, migratory species are protected by domestic legislation, including the Wildlife Act and the Marine Mammals Protection Act.
New Zealand is home to many species listed on the CMS appendices and other migratory species. As of July 2020, New Zealand was home to 121 species protected under CMS.
The following migratory species are listed on the Convention and are found in New Zealand.
Appendix I – threatened migratory species
Cetacea – Whales
- Eubalaena australis, Southern right whale
- Balaenoptera musculus, Blue whale
- Megaptera novaeangliae, Humpback whale
- Balaenoptera physalus, Fin whale
- Physeter macrocephalus, Sperm whale
- Balaenoptera borealis, Sei whale
Charadriiformes – Aquatic birds
- Numenius madagascariensis, Far eastern curlew
- Diomedea antipodensis, Antipodean albatross
Lamniformes – Sharks
- Carcharodon carcharias, Great white shark
- Carcharhinus longimanus, Oceanic white-tip shark
- Cetorhinus maximus, Basking shark
Orectolobiformes – Carpet sharks
- Rhincodon typus, Whale shark
Rajiformes – Rays
- Manta birostris, Great oceanic manta ray
Testudinata – Turtles
- Chelonia mydas, Green sea turtle
- Eretmochelys imbricate, Hawksbill turtle
- Dermochelys coriacea, Leatherback, leathery turtle or luth
- Caretta caretta, Loggerhead sea turtle
- Lepidochelys olivacea, Olive ridley sea turtle
Appendix II – migratory species requiring international cooperation
Carcharhiniformes – Ground sharks
- Galeorhinus galeus, School shark
- Prionace glauca, Blue shark
- Sphyrna zygaena, Smooth hammerhead shark
Cetacea – Whales, dophins and porpoises
- Balaenoptera physalus, Fin whale
- Physeter macrocephalus, Sperm whale
- Balaenoptera bonaerensis, Southern minke whale
- Balaenoptera edeni, Tropical whale
- Lagenorhynchus obscurus, Dusky dolphin
- Orcinus orca, Orca
- Caperea marginate, Pygmy right whale
- Phocoena dioptrica, Spectacled porpoise
Charadriiformes – Aquatic birds
- Numenius madagascariensis, Far eastern curlew (includes sub-family Phalaropodinae)
- Diomedea antipodensis, Antipodean albatros
- Charadrius bicinctus, Double-banded plover
- Charadrius leschenaultii, Greater sand plover
- Charadrius mongolus, Lesser sand plover
- Pluvialis fulva, Pacific golden plover
- Pluvialis squatarola, Black-bellied plover
- Sternula albifrons, Little tern
- Arenaria interpres, Turnstone
- Calidris acuminata, Sharp-tailed sandpiper
- Calidris alba, Sanderling
- Calidris ferruginea, Curlew sandpiper
- Calidris ruficollis, Red-necked stint
- Calidris melanotos, Pectoral sandpiper
- Limosa haemastica, Hudsonian godwit
- Limosa lapponica, Bar-tailed godwit
- Limosa limosa, Black-tailed godwit
- Numenius phaeopus, Whimbrel
- Plegadis falcinellus, Glossy ibis
- Tringa brevipes, Grey-tailed tattler
- Tringa incana, Wandering tattler
- Tringa stagnatilis, Marsh sandpiper
- Xenus cinereus, Terek sandpiper
Lamniformes – Sharks
- Carcharodon carcharias, Great white shark
- Cetorhinus maximus, Basking shark
- Isurus oxyrinchus, Mako shark
- Lamna nasus, Mackerel shark
- Alopias superciliosus, Bigeye thresher
- Alopias vulpinus, Common thresher
Orectolobiformes – Carpet sharks
- Rhincodon typus, Whale shark
Procellariiformes – Seabirds
- Diomedea epomophora, Royal albatross
- Diomedea sanfordi, Northern-royal albatross
- Diomedea exulans, Wandering albatross
- Diomedea antipodensis, Antipodean albatros
- Phoebetria palpebrate, Light-mantled albatross
- Thalassarche bulleri, Bullers albatross
- Thalassarche carteri, Indian yellow-nosed albatross
- Thalassarche chrysostoma, Grey-headed albatross
- Thalassarche eremita, Chatham albatross
- Thalassarche impavida, Campbell albatross
- Thalassarche melanophris, Black-browed albatross
- Thalassarche salvini, Salvin’s albatross
- Thalassarche steadi, White-capped albatross
- Macronectes giganteus, Southern giant-petrel
- Macronectes halli, Nothern giant-petrel
- Procellaria cinerea, Grey petrel
- Procellaria aequinoctialis, White-chinned petrel
- Procellaria parkinsoni, Black petrel
- Procellaria westlandica, Westland petrel
Rajiformes – Rays
- Manta birostris, Great oceanic manta ray
- Mobula mobula, Mobula
Testudinata – Turtles
- Chelonia mydas, Green sea turtle
- Eretmochelys imbricate, Hawksbill turtle
- Dermochelys coriacea, Leatherback, leathery turtle, or luth
- Caretta caretta, Loggerhead sea turtle
- Lepidochelys olivacea, Olive-ridley sea turtle