New Zealand's subantarctic islands are wild and beautiful places. They are home to some of the most abundant and unique wildlife on earth: many birds, plants and invertebrates are found nowhere else in the world. The subantarctic islands are particularly renowned for the large number and diversity of penguins and other seabirds that nest there.
All the subantarctic islands are National Nature Reserves, the highest possible conservation status. They have also been honoured with World Heritage status, meaning they represent the best of the world’s natural heritage and rate alongside the Grand Canyon and Mount Everest.
Despite the remote location of these islands the lure to study, visit and preserve the historic fabric on the islands is high.
Discover what's special about the plants on New Zealand's subantarctic islands.
New Zealand's subantarctic islands are home to a range of birds and marine mammals.
When humans arrived on New Zealand's subantarctic islands so did a number of introduced species that impacted on the plants and animals of the region.