Makara Beach at sunset.
Mākara Beach area

Located in the Wellington/Kapiti region

Mākara offers access to Wellington's west coast escarpments, historic Fort Opau and the West Wind Recreation Area.

Mākara is 16km / approximately 30 minutes drive from Wellington City. From Karori follow Makara Rd to Mākara Beach, or Takaru Gorge Rd from Johnsonville.

The cliffs and spectacular views at Mākara are features that for centuries provided the people of the area with good vantage points for the defence of their land.

You can explore the Ngati Ira pa site on the promontory at the western end of Fisherman's Bay. There are also gun emplacements at the top of the cliffs, marking the position of Fort Opau, which was garrisoned by 100 soldiers during World War II.