Atlas species information
Detailed species information from your search of the Atlas.- Scientific name:
- Oligosoma burganae
- Common name:
- Burgan skink
- Naming authority:
- Chapple et al., 2011
- Bio status category:
- Indigenous (Endemic)
- IUCN threat status:
- ** Not Classified **
- NZ threat classification:
- Nationally Endangered
Refer to for NZ threat classification system details.
Burgan skink
- Sub-continental schist block mountains rising steeply from an altitude of 400–1450 m, with annual rainfall from 500–1700 mm and snow to 1000 m during winter.
- Predominant vegetation is montane short and tall Chionochloa tussockland, with some scrub, particularly Coprosma and Olearia spp.
- The preferred microhabitat appeared to be herbs and shrubs rather than rocks and grasses.
- Dorsal surface moderate olive to dark olive brown, occasionally black, with irregular flecks.
- A median dorsal dark grayish brown longitudinal stripe, 2 half-scale rows wide, well or partially developed, commencing behind the head and passing back to the base of the tail.
- A light brown dorsal band 2 half-scale rows wide with light flecks, another broken dark brown band, 1 half- to 2 half-scale rows wide, shading on to a pale dorsolateral band 1 half- to 2 half-scale rows wide.
- A pale dorsolateral band, extending from posterior margin of eye to first one-third of tail, this stripe bordered laterally by a dark brown band usually with notched edges above and below.
- A broad dark reddish brown lateral band 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 scale rows wide, originating at tip of snout, passing through the eye and ending near tip of tail, bordered laterally by a very dark brown broken band and with pale scales extending into it from above and below; sometimes flecked with white.
- Below this an indistinct pale stripe passes from beneath the anterior border of the eye through the ear, above the limbs to the tail.
- This stripe is irregularly defined below by brown scales which merge gradually with the yellowish grey ventral colouration.
- Ventral surface usually speckled with black spots on chin and throat.
- Outer surface of forelimbs is dark brown with black and white specks.
- Juvenile colouration similar to adult, but generally lighter.
- Ear opening round, small, with no projecting granules on anterior margin.
- There do not appear to be sexually dimorphic colour patterns.
- Oligosoma burganae appears to be confined to the Rock and Pillar Ranges and Lammermoor Ranges of central Otago, and only occurs above 900 m (a subalpine species).
- Notes about 2008-10 cycle of NZ threat classification for Reptiles (Hitchmough et al 2010): Rock & Pillars and Lammermoors.
- The microhabitat preference appears to be the main reason why this species is able to coexist with other similarly-sized skink species (Oligosoma polychroma and Oligosoma maccanni) throughout its range.
- The species becomes sexually mature at 49 mm SVL, and has a maximum litter size of six.
- Parturition occurs in late January or early February.
- Notes about 2012-14 cycle of NZ threat classification for Reptiles: (Hitchmough, et al.
- 2012): Recent survey of two known sites didn't turn up any Burgan skinks (evidence of significant decline - possibly 50-70% - reason unknown, but related species at Macraes Flat responded much more strongly to management than other small, diurnal skinks).
- Very small known range (Rock and Pillar Range and Lammermoors).
Statistical information and distribution map
Before 1988 | Since 1988 | |
Live Specimen | 134 | 5 |
Total | 134 | 5 |
Live or dead specimen or shed skin
Bone or fossil