Date: 29 June 2017Source: Office of the Minister for Conservation
Two historic Wellington buildings are being transferred from DOC into the care of Heritage New Zealand from tomorrow.
Conservation and Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Maggie Barry says Turnbull House and the Old Government Buildings are among 7 sites to be transferred in June or July.
“While these two Wellington buildings currently sit within the DOC portfolio it makes sense for them to be vested with Heritage New Zealand which has long-standing experience in looking after urban buildings of historic interest to New Zealanders,” Ms Barry says.
“The Old Government Building is already tenanted and a popular tourist attraction and Heritage New Zealand will consider options for Turnbull House once it has been earthquake strengthened.”
“The Crown still owns both buildings and in terms of managing them the transfer makes good sense and is part of an overall assessment process by the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, DOC and Heritage NZ of where the management of historic sites best fit.”
“Responsibility for the Whangamarino Redoubt Historic Reserve at Mercer; Clifden Suspension Bridge Historic Reserve in Southland; Gabriel Read Memorial Reserve in Central Otago; Springvale Suspension Bridge, east of Taihape; and the Brunner Industrial Historic Reserve site in Greymouth will transfer from Heritage New Zealand to DOC,” Ms Barry says.
“These transfers are pragmatic, straightforward transactions with no money changing hands and people will see little difference in the day to day management of these sites,” Ms Barry says.
Heritage NZ already looks after a number of historic buildings and sites including Wellington’s Old St Paul’s, the Stone Store in Kerikeri, Pompallier House and Printery in Russell and Totara Estate just south of Oamaru.
Buildings transferred to Heritage New Zealand:
Buildings transferring to DOC:
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