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Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai
Native animals
Reptiles & frogs
Learn more about the types and species of geckos found in New Zealand.
Learn about geckos
Geckos have broad heads with rounded snouts, large bulging eyes, defined necks and soft, velvety-looking skin. Their skin is covered with very small, granular scales.
Types of geckos
Our geckos belong to seven genera. Find out about each of the gecko genera.
Tautuku gecko
Tautuku gecko are colourful species of forest gecko with diverse patterns and at times blue eyes. It’s also known as the blue-eyed gecko and southern forest gecko.
Orange-spotted gecko
Most of these geckos have orange spots, although not all do. They can have very different colours and can drastically change colour tone in minutes.
Hura te ao gecko
Hura te ao gecko have black eyes, orange lips, and fine spots. They were only discovered in 2018 and have currently only been found in two mountain ranges in North Otago.
Broad-cheeked gecko
Until very recently the broad-cheeked gecko was very rarely seen.
Muriwai gecko
The Muriwai gecko was only recognised as a distinct species in 2014 and very little is known about this species. Research is currently focused on gaining a greater understanding of its ecology to aid its conservation management.