Image: Graeme Coop | Creative Commons
Corrugated but surrounded by tussock.
Spurs Hut

Located in Te Kahui Kaupeka Conservation Park in the Canterbury region

Spurs Hut is a basic hut in the Mid and South Canterbury area.



Nearest roadend to Spurs Hut

North Opuha car park: 2 hr 30 min

Turn off SH79 (Geraldine-Fairlie Highway) onto Clayton Road 1 km outside Fairlie. After crossing the North Opuha bridge (21 km), turn left down Fox Peak Ski Field Road. There is a DOC car park just before the end of the road. 

From the car park, walk up the road, then along the true left bank of the North Opuha River. After leaving the river a marked easement across freehold land (no hunting on easement) gives access to the conservation area.


NZTopo50 map sheet BY18:
Grid/NZTM2000 coordinates: E1428889, N5145178