Manganuku Hut

Located in Ōpōtiki area and Urutawa Conservation Area in the East Coast region

This hut has 6 bunks, and an open fire place. Water is from the nearby river.

The route to Manganuku Hut is one hour by benched track, which crosses steep blufs, with some steep drop-offs. The route then drops into a short gorge which requires low river levels to negotiate and then, for about two hours, follows the Manganuku Stream all the way to the hut.

The hut is situated in an attractive clearing, and whio are often seen below.



Manganuku Hut is accessed via the Manganuku campsite on the Manganuku Track. The campsite is located 47 km from Opotiki, adjacent to SH2 and the Manganuku Bridge.

Tracks to this hut


NZTopo50 map sheet: BF41
Grid/NZTM2000 coordinates: E1988097, N5754686