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Share the beach quiz


Take this quiz to become wildlife wise and learn how to share the beach with wildlife and your dog.

This quiz takes around 5 minutes to complete.

Lead the Way quiz

What is the minimum safe distance to keep between your dog and wildlife?

Not quite – it's 20 m

The minimum distance for you and your dog to wildlife is 20 m. This is because wildlife can carry diseases. So interaction can be harmful to both wildlife and your dog.

It’s also important to remember our wildlife need space. Any disturbance can be life threatening so dog owners and their dogs have to keep their distance.

Correct – It's 20 m

If you see some wildlife up ahead, put your lead on your dog and pass at least 20 meters away from the wildlife. This will help keep your dog and the wildlife safe.


What species can blend in and look like driftwood, seaweed or large rocks, so you need to do a visual ‘scan’ before entering the beach?

Not quite – it’s fur seals/kekeno

A quick scan of the beach will help you stay prepared for any camouflaged fur seals/kekeno. They may be big, but they’re not always visible.


A quick scan keeps you prepared for any camouflaged fur seals/kekeno.

On the beach, what area should your dog completely avoid?

Incorrect – it's sand dunes

The beach is home to some amazing wildlife and they commonly find shelter within the sand dunes. Therefore, keep dogs near the water’s edge to keep them fully visible.


Sand dunes can hide wildlife like penguins or nesting birds, so you may not know they’re on the beach. That’s why it’s best to keep dogs out of them.

When out with your dog, what do you legally always need on you?

Not quite – it’s dog lead

It’s actually a legal requirement to have a lead on you at all times. You never know when it might keep your dog safe from harm.


It’s a legal requirement to always have a lead on you when out with your dog. You never know when it might keep your dog safe from harm.

If you see another dog on a red ‘Lead the Way’ lead, what should you do?

Not quite – it’s ‘put my dog on a lead’

Red leads identify “No dogs”, which means you should not allow your dog to interact. The other dog may be having a tough day and need some space. So, place your dog on a lead when a red lead is being used.


Place your dog on a lead when a red ‘Lead the Way’ lead is being used. A red lead means you shouldn’t allow your dog to interact. Just like us, dogs can have bad days too and just need some space.

True or false – it’s fine for my dog to chase gulls because it means they are not harassing other wildlife

Not quite – it’s false

Gulls are wildlife too and need their time to rest. The red-billed gull is often seen around coastlines and has a threat status of declining.

The similarly sized black-billed gull is nationally critical, and are facing an immediate risk of extinction, so they need protecting. It’s very distressing for these gulls when dogs chase them along the beach.


Gulls are wildlife too and need their time to rest. The red-billed gull is often seen around coastlines and has a threat status of declining.

The similarly sized black-billed gull is nationally critical, and are facing an immediate risk of extinction, so they need protecting. It’s very distressing for these gulls when dogs chase them along the beach.

What should you do if you spot wildlife on the beach?


It’s important to let other dog owners know they’re going to pass wildlife.

Not quite – let other dog owners know there is wildlife present

Its important to let other dog owners know they’re going to pass wildlife. Remember to share the beach and just let others know if you have spotted anything during your walk.

Finish the sentence: It’s easy to be a responsible dog owner, remember there’s space for each…

Not quite – it's 'so, share the beach' 

The coast offers crucial habitats to our awesome wildlife. So, we need to remember that there is enough space for all of us and we just need to share it.

Correct – it's 'so, share the beach'

Way to go. Sharing the beach is easy when you understand how to avoid intruding into wildlife’s space. Remember, this is their home too.

What is something you could use to keep your dog's attention on you in case they get distracted by wildlife?

Not quite – it's 'all of the above'

Different dogs respond to different reinforcers. Find out what your dog will work for. Is it food, play or praise? Use what works to keep them interacting with you and not the wildlife.


Different dogs respond to different reinforcers. Find out what your dog will work for. Is it food, play or praise? Use what works to keep them interacting with you and not the wildlife.

If you're planning to walk your dog somewhere for the first time, where can you find out what the dog rules are?

Not quite – check your local council's website

Rules change and signs aren’t always up to date. The best place to get the right information is online. There are various websites that can be helpful, but your best option is to check out your local council’s website.

They all have their dog bylaws available, and many have interactive maps that show dog walking areas.


Rules change and signs aren’t always up to date. The best place to get the right information is online. There are various websites that can be helpful, but your best option is to check out your local council’s website.

They all have their dog bylaws available, and many have interactive maps for dog walking areas.

What are the top two reasons pet owners insure their pets, according to research by pet insurance specialist PD Insurance?


It’s all part of being a responsible pet owner, and all reasons can equally be important.

Not quite

The correct answer is:

"Pet owners don’t want to choose between money and their pet’s life. And they want to protect their pet however they can."

It’s all part of being a responsible pet owner, and all reasons can equally be important.  

Who’s responsible if a dog bites another dog while out in public?

Not quite

It depends on the situation, including if the dogs were under control.

For example, if your dog is under your control on a lead and lashes out at an off-lead dog that rushes up to and scares it, what matters is which dog was under control in the scenario.

A key responsibility of being a pet owner is keeping your pet under control. Accidents can happen and even a well-trained dog can react when nervous or frightened.

When out with your dog, ensure that you have your lead with you and your dog has a reliable recall.


It depends on the situation, including if the dogs were under control.

For example, if your dog is under your control on a lead and lashes out at an off-lead dog that rushes up to and scares it, what matters is which dog was under control in the scenario.

A key responsibility of being a pet owner is keeping your pet under control. Accidents can happen and even a well-trained dog can react when nervous or frightened.

When out with your dog, ensure that you have your lead with you and your dog has a reliable recall.

Which of these things can be toxic to your dog if they eat them?

Not quite – it’s all of the above

There are several things in our environment that are toxic to dogs. Some of these can be found on the beach. Keep a close eye on your dog when at the beach to make sure they don’t eat something that could make them sick.

Correct – it’s all of the above

There are several things in our environment that are toxic to dogs. Some of these can be found on the beach. Keep a close eye on your dog when at the beach to make sure they don’t eat something that could make them sick.