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Online training courses


Expand your knowledge with these free online courses.

These online courses can be done by anyone, anytime, and are free of charge.

Introduction to Natural Heritage online course

This free online course provides a broad understanding of the fundamentals of biodiversity and DOC’s management approach. This understanding is vital for anyone who works in conservation.

Lone Worker online course

This free online course teaches you how to prepare for working alone, handle unexpected situations, and de-escalate conflict.

Field Skills online course

This free online course explains how to do field observations and record data using different field tools - maps, compasses, hip chains, altimeters, global positioning system (GPS) units and inclinometers

Animal Ecology online course

The Animal Ecology course is a free online course covering the differences between native and introduced animal species, how animals interact with each other, and why long-term predator control is vital.

Bird Identification online course

The Bird Identification online course will help you identify the 10 New Zealand forest birds most commonly recorded during five minute bird counts.

Introduction to Concessions online course

This free online course teaches you about concessions, who needs one and why they are an important part of conservation.

Introduction to recreation management online course

This free online course explains recreation management on public conservation land with the goal of getting more people participating in the outdoors.

Wildlife Health online course

This free online course demonstrates the application of ‘best practice’ for a range of avian veterinary techniques in use with New Zealand birds.

Biosecurity at DOC online course

This free online course has been developed to introduce you to the concept of biosecurity and how it relates to DOC's core work. You'll find out where you fit in and how you can make a difference.

Helicopter safety online course

This free online course introduces the key safety elements for passengers and ground crew working with and around helicopters. This understanding is vital for anyone working with helicopters at DOC.

Kauri Ora Principles of Hygiene online course

This free online course raises awareness about the Phytophthora agathidicida (PA) pathogen which causes kauri dieback disease. It covers the good hygiene practices necessary to support the health of kauri.