Rangitira Developments Limited, permit holder of Mining Permit 41289, has applied for access to 12 ha of public conservation land (PCL) on Mt Te Kuha near Westport for the purposes of undertaking open cast coal mining. The PCL under application is part of the Mt Rochfort Conservation Area, held for conservation purposes and managed as stewardship land under section 25 of the Conservation Act.
The Application has been deemed significant by the Minister of Conservation pursuant to Section 61C(2) of the Crown Minerals Act. As such, the Application is hereby notified pursuant to Section 49 of the Conservation Act.
The Application will be assessed and decided upon by the Minister of Conservation pursuant to Section 61(2) of the Crown Minerals Act. Any person or organisation who wish to submit on the Application may do so in writing having regard to the matters in Section 61(2) of the Crown Minerals Act:
“In considering whether to agree to an access arrangement in respect of Crown land, the appropriate Minister shall have regard to:
(a) the objectives of any Act under which the land is administered;
(b) any purpose for which the land is held by the Crown; and
(c) any policy statement or management plan of the Crown in relation to the land;
(d) the safeguards against any potential adverse effects of carrying out the proposed programme of work; and
(da) the direct net economic and other benefits of the proposed activity in relation to which the access arrangement is sought; and
(db) if section 61C(3) applies, the recommendation of the Director-General of Conservation and summary referred to in that subsection; and
(e) such other matters as the appropriate Minister considers relevant.”
Note that the 12 ha Access Arrangement Application forms part of a larger mining proposal. However, the Minister of Conservation may only consider the activities and effects occurring within the 12 ha of PCL under application or effects on adjacent PCL resulting directly from the activities within the application area. Ensure that submissions are limited to these activities and effects. Any matters raised in submissions that do not relate to the application area will not be considered by the Minister in making her decision.
Submissions should be sent in writing to:
Minister of Conservation
c/- Department of Conservation
Private Bag 701
Hokitika 7842
Attention: Judi Brennan
Email: permissionshokitika@doc.govt.nz
Submissions will be accepted up to and including Wednesday 9 March 2016 at 5 pm.
Note that once submitted, submitter’s information is subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and may be released under that Act. If you wish to keep any part of your submission confidential, you need to state this in writing when making your submission.
Any person or organisation wishing to be heard in support of her/his submission or, must do so in their submission.
If a hearing is required, it is likely to be held in Westport during the week starting 29 March 2016.
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