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Community whitebait habitat restoration, Cobden Aromahana Sanctuary.

Our estuaries


This community resource will help you explore and learn more about our many estuaries.

It includes a wealth of information to help us make a difference to these special places, such as interactive maps that show where monitoring and restoration work is happening around New Zealand and a teachers’ resource.

Getting started

Here are some ideas for using Our Estuaries hub.

  • If you want to find a walk near an estuary, see the experiencing estuaries map.
  • If you'd like to contribute your local knowledge about an estuary, find a group to connect with on the restoring estuaries map.
  • See the featured projects page for ways to record things you see in an estuary and join a community of online enthusiasts.
  • Find out how healthy your local estuary is with the LAWA website or the monitoring estuaries map.
  • If you’d like to get your hands dirty with some native planting or monitor pests near an estuary, link up with others via the restoring estuaries map.
  • For bird lists or teacher resources see the experiencing estuaries map.
  • Share your knowledge with other groups via the restoring estuaries map.
  • Tell the world about your estuary care group or project via social media using #OurEstuaries.


We welcome your suggestions on how to make this Our estuaries hub even better.