About this hunting block
Aerial shooting of goats
For operational purposes there may be aerial shooting of goats on any given day in Tararua Forest Park. In the unlikely event that a helicopter may be in your vicinity, make yourself seen. This is the safest way to ensure the crew will avoid you and your immediate area.
Goats cause significant damage to native plants and can worsen the risk of erosion on steep country.
Red deer, the most popular game, became established in the range through regular liberations by the Wellington Acclimatisation Society between 1885 and 1923. They were recognised as a problem when their numbers increased rapidly during the 1920s, and recreational hunting has been popular ever since.
What to hunt
- Deer are found throughout the forests of the park, especially the silver beech and kamahi/rimu forests.
- Goats occur in isolated colonies at lower altitude from the south-eastern to the mid-western parts of the park.
- Pigs occur in low numbers throughout the park.
Places to stay in Tararua Forest Park.
Getting there
Main access to Tararua Forest Park is via formed legal roadlines or poled routes over unformed legal roadlines. There is an extensive network of tracks throughout the forest park providing good access to many areas suitable for hunting.
- Marchant Road (Kaitoke Shelter): Tauwharenīkau Valley and central Tararua Range.
- Abbotts Creek: Pylon Track and lower Tauwharenīkau River.
- Underhill Road: Tauwharenīkau River.
- Waiohine Gorge Rd: Waiohine River, Totara Flats and Cone huts.
- Kaipaitangata Rd: Road access through pine plantation to forest park on true right of road. Legal access to Mount Dick lookout.
- Mangatarere Valley Rd: Up Carrington Creek or from road-end up valley.
- Mount Holdsworth Road: Major access to Atiwhakatu, Powell and Jumbo huts and Totara Flats.
- Upper Waingawa Rd (Kaituna): Access to forest boundary, Mitre Flats hut, Mitre Peak and Waingawa River.
- Mikimiki Rd: Track to Kiriwhakapapa roadend.
- Kiriwhakapapa Rd: Central Waingawa Catchment and Cow Creek and Arete Forks huts.
- Kaiparoro Rd: Track onto Kaiparoro clearing.
- Putara Rd: Poled route to park boundary and Roaring Stag and Herepai huts.
- Mangahao Rd: To Mangahao River and Dundas Ridge.
- North Manakau Rd: Up Waikawa Stream and Panatewaewae Ridge. Note: North Manakau Road has been blocked by a major slip since 2015. This affects access to Tararua Forest Park.
- Otaki Forks: No discharge of firearms in designated zone (see maps at Otaki Forks carparking areas). Waitewaewae, the Southern Crossing and Kime and Field huts.
- Ngatiawa Rd: To Kapakapanui. Access over private land - keep dogs on leads, remove bolts from rifles.
- Waiotauru Rd: Upper Southern Waiotauru R.
- Ruamahanga: Permission required from Mr M. Wyeth, Ph: +64 6 372 5875. Poled route leads to park boundary and joins a track to Lower Ruamahanga and central Waingawa Catchments via Cleft Creek.
- Scotts Rd (Tokomaru block): For access information contact Palmerston North City Council, Ph: +64 6 351 4425.
- Gladstone Rd (Mill Block): Legal road crosses private land - keep dogs on lead, remove bolts from rifles.
- Poads Rd (Ohau entrance): Access over private land - keep dogs on leads, remove bolts from rifles.
NZTopo50 BN33, BN34, BP33 and BP34
Know before you go
- Up to 2 dogs allowed on this permit — max 3 per party.
- Lost dogs should be reported to the nearest DOC office.
- Dogs need to stay onlead until the first bridge at Holdsworth Campground.