Located in the Waikato region
The 78,000 ha Pureora Forest Park straddles the Hauhungaroa and Rangitoto Ranges between Lake Taupo and Te Kuiti.
It is a hidden wonderland of tall trees, clear rivers and rare wildlife. These forests contain significant populations of Dactylanthus taylorii and mistletoe, as well as shrublands, grasslands, beech forest and some of the least-modified wetlands/mires in the North Island.
The abundant birdlife includes New Zealand pigeon/kereru, tui, whitehead and North Island robin. There are populations of the rarer New Zealand falcon, yellow-crowned kakariki and blue duck/whio. Kaka and kokako are found here, as are both long and short-tailed bats.
Moderate numbers of deer and pigs may be found throughout the Rangitoto and Hauhungaroa Ranges.
Pureora Forest and surrounds hunting