Located in the Taranaki region
Goat hunting is likely to be very difficult as the park receives annual goat control by DOC staff. Egmont National Park is a deer and pig free zone - if you see any signs contact the DOC New Plymouth office. You can also hunt possums, although periodic control is carried out by DOC.
Permits are not available online. A separate permit is required to hunt the 33,784 ha Egmont National Park. You can get these from the DOC office.
A popular public recreational area - the park is not recommended for use by hunters as there is a long-running control programme within the park that keeps goat numbers very low. .22 rimfire rifles are not permitted.
The series of three andesitic volcanoes: Kaitake, Pouakai and Mt Taranaki (2518m) cover a variety of landscapes and forest types. Steep scoria covered slopes and tree covered plateaus drop to deep gorges with rocky river beds. The park contains regenerating and original lowland forest rising up to montane forest, scrub and alpine herbfields with lowland and montane bogs.
Kiwi, fernbird, the giant land snail Powelliphanta “Egmont, and the rare Melicytus ‘Egmont’ can be found within the park as well as the endangered Dactylanthus taylorii.
There is an extensive track system with many public huts and day shelters. Visitor centres are located at the end of Egmont Road and Manaia Road.
Map of Egmont National Park hunting block (PDF, 2923K)
Four public roads enter the park and there are many foot access ways.
NZTopo50 BJ29, BJ28, BH28 and BH29
Dogs are prohibited.
No four wheel driving in Egmont National Park.