Located in North Canterbury & Arthur’s Pass hunting in the Canterbury region
The Carlyle hunting area is part of Lake Sumner Forest Park. It adjoins Glenhope Station and Poplars Station. Ensure you know of, and keep within, the public conservation land boundaries. Hunting (even carrying a firearm) on adjoining private land is poaching and you can be prosecuted.
The terrain is moderate to steep. Vegetation is predominantly beech forest with some shrubland, tussock and open tops. Pigs, red deer and chamois are present in low to moderate numbers. Other hunters and trampers may be encountered. Take precautions and identify your target.
There is no vehicle access into this hunting area.
There is no foot access for hunting through Glenhope Station. Hunting access is only possible via helicopter.
Access to the Carlyle Stream is possible from SH7 by crossing the Hope River at the Junction with Carlyle Stream and walking up through the bush to link with the walking track. Extreme care is required when crossing the Hope River.
Most of the year it is not possible to cross the river safely on foot. Foot access from the Hope Bridge along the Glenhope Station Track to Carlyle Stream will require permission from Glenhope Station. Foot access to Nathan Stream requires access permission from Poplars Station. Access to the rest of the hunting block requires permission from Glenhope Station.
For access permission across private property or to enter the areas outside conservation land, contact:
NZTopo50 map BU23
Dogs are not permitted in the Carlyle hunting area as kiwi are present.
Hunters are advised to check for current pesticide operations that may be in progress where they intend to hunt.