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Wallabies hunting


Wallaby species in New Zealand available for hunting are Bennett's, dama and parma wallabies.


In New Zealand there are three wallaby species introduced from Australia available for hunting:

  • Dama wallaby
  • Parma wallaby
  • Bennett's wallaby

Information about wallaby species.

Where to hunt wallabies

In New Zealand, wallabies occupy private land as well as public conservation land. For private land, approach the landowner for permission to hunt.

Find a DOC hunting block that has wallabies and permits

You can use the hunting block search function to find hunting areas that have wallabies. The hunting block webpage will explain what hunting permits you need.

Search for a hunting block that has wallabies

Dama and parma wallaby

These wallabies are found in the Rotorua area (centred around Lake Tarawera) in the North Island of New Zealand. 

Bennett's wallaby

Found in the South Island of New Zealand, Bennett's wallaby occupy an area centred on the Hunter Hills near Waimate. Like Dama wallaby, Bennett's prefer edge habitats with dense vegetation cover adjacent to grass feeding areas.

Tips for hunting wallabies


Hunting response


Wallabies are light weighted animals that are often shot at medium to long distances.

A light calibre with a flat trajectory is ideal for wallaby shooting e.g. .222, .243 etc.

Nocturnal and start feeding early to late evening.

Stake out likely feeding areas from early evening through to darkness.

Fast and elusive movement when disturbed.

Rather than trying to stalk in close proximity stake out an area and shoot from observation point at stationary animals.

Wallaby sign includes scratching (digging up plant roots) tracking, browsed grass or shrubs and droppings.

Presence of fresh sign indicator of wallaby nearby and need for extra care.

Wallabies use well defined tracks to access feeding areas.

Identify and stake out tracks.

Dama wallaby

Found in patches of native bush or scrub and pine plantations emerging near dark to feed on adjacent paddocks.

Stake out or hunt bush edges moving very slowly and glassing ahead.

When squatting down the hind legs and gut area are the biggest part.

Aim to shoot in the upper body and thus prevent only wounding an animal.

In winter time, particularly after wet cold weather Dama wallaby can be found during the day sitting in the sun either on small clearings or where breaks in the canopy allows the warming sun to shine onto the forest floor.

During winter after cold wet weather pay particular attention to sunny spots and look for animals either standing still or lying down sunning themselves.


Bennett’s wallaby

Found on tussock/pasture hill country with scrub in gullies and faces.

Sit back and observe likely feeding areas. Good pair of binoculars an advantage.

Hunting seasons and ballots

In New Zealand, there is no seasonal restriction to hunting wallabies meaning generally they can be hunted throughout the year. There are however, instances where restrictions apply for specific reasons and periods when hunting is favoured.

Specific restrictions

  • Some areas may be closed during periods of high fire danger.
  • Occasionally an area may be closed on a temporary basis to enable research or other management to be undertaken without being compromised by hunting.

It is important to check for these conditions with the local DOC office:

Favoured hunting periods

  • Spring is a favourable time of the year to hunt wallabies. During spring, wallaby can be seen coming out of the forest to feed on new grass and shrub growth.

International travel with hunting trophies

You may need CITES documentation to enter or leave New Zealand with your hunting trophy.

Check you need documentation