Located in Franz Josef – Waiau hunting in the West Coast region
Part of this area sits within the Adams Wilderness Area, and is open year round for foot access.
This site is included in the ballot system for helicopter access (late April-June).
Helicopter access: Available all year outside of the Adams Wilderness Area boundary. Restricted to two designated landing sites only during the ballot period within the boundary.
Lord River landing site:
NZTM2000 E1423272-N5208058
Alternative Lord Range landing site:
NZTM2000 E1421807-N5208091
Road access point: Wanganui road end.
Foot access: Difficult. Via the Wanganui river valley and Hunters or Smyth huts.
Permissions: DOC hunting permit required
Map: Topo50 BW18
Best tahr hunting is along scrub/bush-line. If weather allows then hunters should consider camping above the bush-line. Good tahr numbers around Devastation Creek, Crumbling Spur and Poker Gully. Good numbers of chamois also present, especially around Blue Lookout.
Lord River campsite: Large campsite. Lots of open country to hunt - suitable for groups of 4 hunters. River water supply.
Lord Range alternative campsite: Campsite on exposed tussock knob. High camp in good hunting and glassing country. Suitable for small groups of 2-3 hunters. Tarn water supply in close proximity.
Hut tickets or backcountry hut passes are required and available from most DOC offices and some other outlets. Contact DOC for details.
There are no huts within the Wilderness Area part of this hunting area.