Located in South Westland hunting in the West Coast region
ZIP and Predator Free South Westland project is operating in this area.
This site is in the Adams Wilderness Area and is open year round for foot access.
This site is included in the ballot system for helicopter access (late April-June).
Helicopter access: Restricted to designated landing site only during ballot period.
Landing Site: NZTM2000
E1403068 N5197140
Foot access: Very difficult
Road access: Wanganui Rd end
Permissions: DOC hunting permit required
Map: Topo50 BY17
There is a nice campsite, but it is a little exposed to the Southerly. There are two water sources within 50 m of the campsite.
The landing site offers good access up or down the Perth Valley where there are a reasonable amount of animals.
There are no huts in this area.