Image: Andris Apse | ©
Tauparikākā coastline
Tauparikākā Marine Reserve

Located in the West Coast region

This small marine reserve was created as an educational site because of its accessibility, variety of habitats and simple beauty. This is one of the best places to see Hector dolphins without the need for a boat.

The marine reserve was established in 2014 and is 16 hectares.

Tauparikākā Marine Reserve lies a 20 minute drive north of Haast, just off the highway at the Ship Creek visitor site.

No particular planning or preparation is needed to visit Tauparikākā Marine Reserve, though sandfly repellent is a good idea. Swimming is not generally advisable.

Ensure you stay on the tracks, boardwalk and beach for safety and continued protection of the reserve.

Riding of quad bikes and horses is allowed within the reserve, providing there is minimal disturbance to the site and riders comply with legal requirements.

Stones (no more than 256 mm in intermediate diameter), shells, driftwood, sand and gravel can be collected by hand recreationally, but only as much as you can carry in one trip and with minimal disturbance to the site.

Pounamu can also be collected but only by members of Ngāi Tahu Whanui, or with the permission of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.

The tidal lagoon and foreshore at Ship Creek lie within Tauparikākā Marine Reserve, which extends out to 200 m offshore. The lagoon’s tea-coloured water is stained by natural tannins from the beech and podocarp forest above.

A gentle board walk runs through sand dunes covered in the native sand sedge, pīngao.

This is one of the best places to see the world’s smallest dolphins – Hector dolphins – without the need for a boat, as they often play in the surf near the beach.

Reporting pests

Find-A-Pest lets you report potential pest species, including marine, plant, animal and fungal species.

If you come across something out of the ordinary, upload a picture to the app and a specialist will help identify it. If it's a biosecurity threat, this will be forwarded to Biosecurity New Zealand. If possible, take photos and record the location and name of the vessel.

Or call the Ministry for Primary Industries' Pest and Diseases hotline on 0800 80 99 66.

Report illegal or suspicious activity

Don't take, disturb, kill or damage anything within the reserve - it's illegal. If you see people taking anything from the reserve, report the activity as soon as possible.

You can call 0800 4 POACHER (0800 476 224) or 0800 DOCHOT (0800 362 468).

It is also an offence to pollute or litter the reserve, discharge any firearm in or into the reserve or erect any structure in the reserve.