Image: tinytramper | Creative Commons
Mount French towards the summit
Mount French Track

Located in Lake Brunner area in the West Coast region

Climb to the top of Mount French for spectacular views of Lake Brunner and the Southern Alps.

The track passes through mixed lowland rimu forest that also features some kaikawaka and silver pine, to the top of Mt French (1305 m).

It's a steady climb but, on a fine day, the views of Lake Brunner and the inland to the Southern Alps reward the effort.

The track start on Kumara-Inchbonnie Road, on the south end of Lake Brunner. Lake Brunner is inland from Greymouth, between SH 73 and SH 7.

Turn off SH 73 at Kumara into Kumara-Inchbonnie Road (17 km), or at Jacksons into Lake Brunner Road, which leads into Kumara-Inchbonnie Road (23 km).