Children on the tracks at Denniston
Image: Benhi Dixon | Creative Commons



This area includes many historic places showcasing the West Coast’s mining history. The area also includes walks through native bush and great views.

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Tohu Whenua are the places that have shaped Aotearoa New Zealand. Located in stunning landscapes and rich with stories, they offer some of our best heritage experiences.


Find things to do and places to stay Denniston area

The plateau is a fragile environment, plant life and animal habitat is easily destroyed. Keep to vehicle tracks and abide by the off-road care code.

A loop track provides a challenging 11 km journey across a spectacular sub-alpine plateau environment and offers dramatic views of mountain and coastal landscapes. Drive through Denniston township and turn right into Mt Rochfort Road. About 1.5 km along, a signpost on the right indicates the access road leading to the Denniston 4WD loop track.

For the more experienced head towards Burnetts Face and then follow the transmission pylon road from Denniston through to the Iron Bridge, north of Inangahua. The road winds its way through steep terrain with a couple of river crossings. After heavy rain the Mackley River in particular can be impassable. Just before the Iron Bridge exit the road passes through private land. Contact the New Creek Farm owners by phone or text on +64 21 900 089 before your trip.


Paparoa National Park Visitor Centre
Phone +64 3 731 1895
Address 4294 Coast Road
RD 1 Runanga 7873
Hours Visitor centre hours and services
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