
Find out about what to take, weather conditions and safety considerations for walking the Rakiura Track. Check current conditions or weather warnings before departing on your trip.

Stewart Island’s weather is very changeable and difficult to predict. Strong winds, hail and heavy rain can occur at any time of the year. Check the Rakiura National Park weather forecast – NIWA website.

Sections of deep mud

A person in tramping gear up to their knees in mud.

During long periods of rain the track can get so muddy that the mud goes above boot height.

This occurs between Port William Hut to North Arm Hut. The muddy areas can be up to 500 m long and also in smaller sections.

Sturdy footwear and gaiters are recommended as the mud can reach above footwear level. Some people also prefer to use tramping poles along this section.

Safety is your responsibility

Mobile coverage is restricted to the immediate township so consider carrying a distress beacon.

Share your plans with a trusted contact before your trip. Also fill in the hut books and include any change of plans.

Keep to the tracks. Off the tracks the valleys are steep-sided and densely bush-clad.

Exposed netting on the track

Be careful where netting is exposed and on wooden steps, these sections may be slippery.

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