Cyclist crossing the viaduct.
Image: J. Robinson | ©



Pedalling Otago’s rural heart. The famous Rail Trail takes you through traditional country towns and sheep-farming land farmed by families for many generations.

This popular cycle journey through beautiful pastoral landscapes offers a taste of genuine small community hospitality. Gold and pastoral farming was the heart of Central Otago's economy and the railway provided the life blood for these isolated communities.

Landmarks logo.

Tohu Whenua are the places that have shaped Aotearoa New Zealand. Located in stunning landscapes and rich with stories, they offer some of our best heritage experiences.

150 km one way

Walking and tramping

Easy: Walking track

Mountain biking

Easy: Grade 2

Other activities

  • Horse riding

Dog access

Dogs allowed. Keep dog under control at all times. Other pets on conservation land rules.

Stay safe in the outdoors

  1. Choose the right trip for you. Learn about the route and make sure you have the skills for it.
  2. Understand the weather. Check weather forecasts
  3. Pack warm clothes and extra food. Check gear lists
  4. Share your plans and take ways to get help. Share directly or use the Outdoor Intentions form or Plan My Walk. Take a distress beacon. 
  5. Take care of yourself and each other.


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Phone 0800 275 362
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